Analysis of this agricultural leader's views suggests Bailey sought "not to develop a more efficient, productive, and profitable agriculture, but to advance the larger cultural ideals of a 'self-sustaining' agriculture and personal happiness."
Finding suggest that boundary organizations related to extension help mediate between the shifting domains of science and policy at all levels - local, state and national.
Authors identify challenges and potentials for using new information technologies, such as the Internet, to help jobseekers in rural labour markets find employment. Social networks and telephone helplines were found to be used most at present.
"The organic act which lies back of the work college editors are doing provides for the gathering and dissemination of information. It was never intended that public funds should be used for "institutional promotion," "propaganda," "press-agenting," "space-grafting," "publicity," "self laudation," "selling" or call it what you will. If "institutional promotion" - to give it the benefit of the least obnoxious designation - comes as a "by-product" of news and helpful information, there's no harm done. But an item aimed to benefit the institution rather than the person who reads that item is not only subversive to the purposes of the college, but is also subversive to the interests of the so-called "by-product." The college has no mandate to work the newspapers; yet it has a sufficient warranty to work for its readers."
USA: University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, and Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: KerryByrnes1 Document Number: D01305
Kerry J. Byrnes Collection, pages 85-102 in Proceedings of Farming Systems Research/Extension Symposium hosted by the University of Arkansas and Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development, Fayetteville, Arkansas, October 9-12, 1988. Farming Systems Research Paper Series,Paper No. 17. 395 pages.
"Discusses the role of social photography in effecting a change in the ideology of the American Dream from individualism to co-operation during the Great Depression of the 1930s." Focuses on the work of Farm Security Administration photographers of that period.
UI electronic subscription, Author analyzes the history, methods and impact of a radio program, "We say what we think," produced by a group of Dane County rural women during this period. Offers perspectives on how the Extension Service encouraged domesticity as the role of rural women. "Linking domesticity to the trope of progress in this way kept rural women from discussing the changes taking place around them." Author also comments on marginalization of rural sociology as a discipline in the academy.
Attwood, Gillian (author), Castle, Jane (author), and Smythe, Suzanne (author)
Book chapter
Publication Date:
Lesotho: Routledge, London, England
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C37092
See C37085 for original, Pages 139-158 in Anna Robinson-Pant (ed.), Women, literacy and development: alternative perspectives. Routledge, London, England. Routledge Studies in Literacy. 259 pages., REFLECT - Regenerated Freirean Literacy through Emplowering Community Techniques. Combines the work of the Brazilian educator, Paulo Freire, and the participatory development methodology known as Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA).
Seepersad, Joseph (author / University of the West Indies, Senate House) and Bholasingh, Deokee (author)
Publication Date:
Trinidad: Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 138 Document Number: C20962
Burton Swanson Collection, 7 pages, Session B, from "1999 conference proceedings -- Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education", 15th Annual Conference, 21-24 March 1999, Port of Spain, Trinidad, 25-26, Tobago
Bokemeier, Janet L. (author), Maurer, Richard C. (author), and Associate Extension Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Kentucky; Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Department of Socioloy
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 75 Document Number: C03920
Via ProQuest Historical Newspapers. 1 page., Surveys by county agents suggest that numbers of farms equipped with radios in the U.S. grew from 145,000 in 1923 to 365,000 in 1924 to 550,000 in 1925. Farmers were found to tune in not so much for grand opera or baseball or political speecheds as for weather and market reports.
Lawrence, Layle D. (author / West Virginia University)
Publication Date:
Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 133 Document Number: C20243
Burton Swanson Collection, In section H of the "2000 conference proceedings: Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education", 16th Annual Conference, March 29th-April 1st, 2000, Arlington, Virginia, USA
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C19710
Pages 39-51 in Georgette Wang and Wimal Dissanayake (eds.), Continuity and change in communication systems: an Asian perspective. Ablex Publishing Corporation, Norwood, New Jersey USA. 274 pages.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: KerryByrnes1 Document Number: D01316
Kerry J. Byrnes Collection, pages 363-368 in proceedings of farming systems Research/Extension Symposium hosted by the University of Arkansas and Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Farming Systems Research Paper Series, Paper No. 17
Via online issues. 2 pages., Author alerts readers to a move to "put the mapping for where service is needed in the hands of Connected Nation, a company representing big telecommunications companies."
Etling, Arlen (author / Pennsylvania State Univeristy) and Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education
conference papers
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 133 Document Number: C20294
Burton Swanson Collection, Section H; from "1997 conference papers : Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education", 13th Annual Conference, 3, 4, 5 April 1997, Arlington, Virginia
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C36258
Retrieved at, Pages 33-64 in Bruce Girard and Sean O. Siochru (eds.), Communicating in the information society, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, Geneva, Switzerland. 223 pages.
Hobbs, Daryl (author / Professor of Rural Sociology and the Director of Rural Department, University of Missouri) and Professor of Rural Sociology and the Director of Rural Department, University of Missouri
Conference paper
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 36 Document Number: B03928
copy in ACDC files, In: Chapman, Carol A.; Infanger, Craig L.; Robbins, Lynn W.; and Debertin, David L., eds. Taking computers to the community : prospects and perspectives : Proceedings from the conference held January 12 and 13, 1978; Louisville, Kentucky. Lexington, KY : University of Kentucky, College of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service, 1978. p. 41-48
International: Research and Extension Division, Natural Resources and Environment Department, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C36136
38 pages., Findings of a series of regional studies, consultations and workshops organized by FAO in preparation for the World Congress on Communicationfor Development (Rome, October 2007).
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 179 Document Number: C35785
"The Farm Journalist"series via online. 2 pages., Author suggests that even in the face of compressed time and higher waves in the ocean of work, agricultural journalists can control the knob of that crescendo. "Even if you are the only one able to perceive your value, so be it. Smile. Laugh."
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C19600
Pages 103-117 in Karen Gwinn Wilkins, Redeveloping communication for social change: theory, practice, and power. Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc., Lanham, Maryland. 216 pages.
Newsplex at the University of South Carolina., Author argues that the only things about convergence that are new are some terms and the fact that duties once the prerogative of the news editor and the photographer and techniques used in newspapers and magazines now are relegated to the news reporter.
National Association of Farm Broadcasters Archives, University of Illinois. NAFB Publications Series No. 8/3/88. Box No. 3. Contact or Documentation Center
Bimoli, B. P. (author) and Manandhar, D. N. (author)
Publication Date:
Nepal: Agricultural Research and Extension Network, Overseas Development Institute
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 136 Document Number: C20778
Burton Swanson Collection, pages 20-23, Network Paper no. 59c from "Farmer-led approaches to extension : papers presented at a workshop in the Philippines, July 1995"
National Association of Farm Broadcasters Archives, University of Illinois. NAFB Publications Series No. 8/3/88. Box No. 4. Contact or Documentation Center
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C23819
Reviewed 3/13/2006 at, Via Poynteronline. 8 pages, Discusses values and methods of computer assisted reporting (CAR) programs at newspapers. Cites an example involving an investigative series, "Boss Hog, North Carolina pork revolution." Reporters used CAR to enrich some stories about links between Murphy Farms and state policies involving sewage disposition regulations on hog farms.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C15133
Volume 1, Detailed chronology of magazines of this period. Includes a section on "Agricultural Papers," with a discussion about establishment of the Agricultural Museum in 1810. "... it was not until 1810, apparently, that any periodical was devoted wholly to agriculture."
"Farmers' lack of market power is the real enemy, so farmers and ranchers must work together to gain bargaining power, because, without it, independent farmers have little hope of survival." Mentions issue of farm organizations, agricultural trade and commodity groups misrepresenting their interests to Congress and policy makers by posing as the family farmer.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 183 Document Number: C37305
See C37280 for original, Page 26 in Fred Myers, Running the gamut: writings of Fred Myers, journalist and 50-year members, American Agricultural Editors' Association. Fred Myers, publishers, Florence, Alabama. 125 pages.
Tingwa, Peter O. (author) and University of Guelph, Canada and Wageningen Agricultural University, The Netherlands
Publication Date:
International: Agricultural University Wageningen, the Netherlands
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 130 Document Number: C19442
Burton Swanson Collection, pp 35-37; Proceedings universities and integrated rural development in developing countries August 21-25, 1983, An International Conference
Brown, James G. (author) and University of Guelph, Canada and Wageningen Agricultural University, The Netherlands
Publication Date:
International: Agricultural University Wageningen, the Netherlands
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 130 Document Number: C19462
Burton Swanson Collection, pp 147-152; Proceedings universities and integrated rural development in developing countries August 21-25, 1983, An International Conference
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 183 Document Number: C37351
See C37280 for original, Page 72 in Fred Myers, Running the gamut: writings of Fred Myers, journalist and 50-year members, American Agricultural Editors' Association. Fred Myers, publishers, Florence, Alabama. 125 pages.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 162 Document Number: C26637
Conference paper, Society for the Study of Social Problems. 2 pages., "The lines between art photography, documentary, and photojournalism have increasingly blurred since the early 1980s." Author cites Dorothea Lange's "Migrant Mother" image [disseminated through the Farm Security Administration] as an emblematic piece of concerned photography "now ubiquitous in realms quite removed from social concern for poverty."
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C19732
Pages 149-160 in Pilar Riano (ed.), Women in grassroots communication: furthering social change. Sage Publications, Inc., Thousand Oaks, California USA. 315 pages.
Shinn, Glen C. (author / Texas A & M University), Briers, Gary E. (author / Texas A & M University), and Edwards, Craig (author / Texas A & M University)
Publication Date:
Russia: Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 138 Document Number: C20925
Burton Swanson Collection, pages 117-125, from "Emerging trends in agricultural and extension education", AIAEE 2001, Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference, April 4-7, 2001, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
USA: Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C19151
357 pages, (From the author's introduction) "If I have learned anything from this work, it is the simple fact that many of the problems faced by Native Americans today already were widely recognized in the 1800s. We seem to continue through repeated cycles in which issues remain the same and problems rarely are fully resolved. The roots of these challenges lie deep in our national history."
National Association of Farm Broadcasters Archives, University of Illinois. NAFB Publications Series No. 8/3/90. Box No. 3. Contact or Documentation Center, Past Presidents, 1944-85. 5 p.
International: University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, and Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D00349
Kerry Byrnes Collection, Pages 363-368 in Proceedings of the Farming Systems Research/Extension Symposium hosted by the University of Arkansas and Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development, Fayetteville, Arkansas, October 9-12, 1988. Farming Systems Research Paper Series. Paper No. 17. 395 pages.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 124 Document Number: C16082
The copy in ACDC has only the content table, need for farm papers in India section,and conclusions and implications sections of this dissertation, 278 p., University of Missouri