4 pages, Sustaining farm profitability has been challenging for North Carolina smallholder farmers facing
market failure. Small farms earning between $10,000 or less and $50,000 annually in net farm income need alternative practices that will make them more profitable. This study assesses North Carolina small farmers’ understanding and attitudes towards value-added agriculture. We conducted farmer focus group interviews and analyzed the data using Qualitative Data Analysis Miner Lite. We found that the main drivers of value-added agriculture include improving on-farm profitability, product expansion, and market growth. High production costs and lack of government assistance are some of the factors limiting value-added participation.
2 pages, The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the operations of many farm and food businesses across
Louisiana. Producers had to adapt to changes or closures of market outlets, including farmers
markets, farm-to-school programs, and restaurants. Using data collected from an online survey,
this research examines pre- and post-pandemic marketing channels and challenges faced by food
10 pages, In this paper, we evaluate the impact of COVID-19 on farmers market (FM) sales across the United
States during the 2020 operating season using survey responses from 420 market managers. Using
a multinomial logit model, we evaluate how certain market characteristics are associated with increased probabilities of market organizations gaining or losing revenue in 2020. We find that
SNAP sales changes, market location, and COVID-19 intensity impacted revenue outcomes. State COVID-19 policies for FM and the existence of FM assistance organizations had less of an impact.
Boehlje, Michael (author) and Langemeier, Michael (author)
Research report
Publication Date:
USA: Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics, College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 203 Document Number: D12167
6 pages., Authors from the Center for Commercial Agriculture, Purdue University, discuss the adoption of precision agriculture technologies. Findings of cited research among farmers indicated that the average net benefit was almost $90 per acre, and the benefit cost ratio averaged 9.7 to 1. "These results suggest a much higher payoff of precision farming than previous studies. This higher payoff is a result of the whole-farm system benefits of the interactions among individual tools and technologies which result in a new way of farming."
USA: International Food Information Council Foundation, Washington, D.C.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 202 Document Number: D12150
Online from publisher. 45 pages., Report of findings from a probability survey of 1,199 American parents and caregivers ages 18-80 regarding children ages 2-10. Aspects involved knowledge and understanding of dietary recommendations, behavior associated with feeding this age group, sources of information when making dietary decisions, purchasing habits when food shopping for children, areas of concern when feeding this age group, and areas of need for additional science-based information when feeding this age group.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 202 Document Number: D12122
Online from organization. 34 pages., "State of the Plate" research during 2020 indicates that Americans have decreased their fruit and vegetable eating occasions by nearly 10 percent since 2004. Foundation suggests a behavioral framework for a path forward.
Wallander, Steven (author), Smith, David (author), Bowman, Maria (author), and Claassen, Roger (author)
Research report
Publication Date:
USA: Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 202 Document Number: D12143
Economic Information Bulletin Number 222. 33 pages., This report detailed how cover crops are managed on corn, cotton, soybean, and wheat fields in the United States. "These surveys reveal that there are many different approaches to using cover crops."
Online from publication. 5 pages., Summary of a survey among U.S. consumers, performed by Aimpoint Research for The Packer. Findings suggested that the lack of a concrete definition of sustainability points to the need to earn consumers' trust regarding the food industry.