Ortigues-Marty, I. (author), Louveau, I. (author), Bee, G. (author), Oltjen, J.W. (author), Kononoff, P.J. (author), McArt, J.A.A. (author), Thomas, C. (author), Fairchild, B.D. (author), Kogut, M. (author), and Huff-Lonergan, E. (author)
Journal Article
Publication Date:
USA: Oxford University Press
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 209 Document Number: D13551
3 pages, Scientific publishing has undergone a tremendous change in recent years. We, a group of Editors-in-Chief of scientific journals owned by scientific bodies, want to communicate some of our values. We represent animal, animal – open science, animal – science proceedings, JDS Communications, Journal of Animal Science, Journal of Applied Poultry Research, Journal of Dairy Science, Poultry Science and Translational Animal Science. Our values motivate our involvement in society-, association-or scientific institution-owned journals in animal science and shape our practices in scientific publishing, in the light of the tremendous changes in the land-scape of scientific publishing over the last decade.
13 pages, Managing the spread of introduced invasive species relies on educating recreationists that currently or potentially harbor such species. By partnering with a local brewery, we developed the Lagers for Lakes Draft Series to facilitate outreach about aquatic invasive species in Erie, Pennsylvania. To date, Lagers for Lakes drafts and associated launch events have reached over 230 individuals and increased awareness of invasive species by 86%. With the materials provided here and the lessons learned from these events, we hope similar outreach efforts can be developed elsewhere to educate and minimize the spread of invasive species.
10 pages, Public Safety Power Shutoff events are being implemented in California to reduce wildfire impacts. We surveyed California residents to identify their information needs and understand the potential role of University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) in power shutoff management. A majority of respondents need information on alternative power sources and community power systems. Most respondents indicated family, friends, and neighbors as the important group to manage power shutoff. UCCE was least used and preferred source for power shutoff information. Our findings reveal a need for Cooperative Extension to play an important role in power shutoff management and educating the public.
Charbonneau, Diana (author), Gabbert, Kerry (author), O'Neal, LaToya (author), Burton, Dawn E. (author), Jones, Maggie (author), Katzman, Kate (author), and Rennekamp, Roger (author)
Journal article
Publication Date:
USA: Extension Journal, Inc.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 209 Document Number: D13536
11 pages, Cooperative Extension’s National Framework for Health Equity and Well-Being provides a roadmap for improving the health of communities. Core concepts include installing health equity a systemwide value and catalyzing community-level changes that ensure all people have an opportunity to be as healthy as they can. This article presents findings from a national readiness assessment for implementing the Framework across Extension. Results from a literature scan, national survey, and regional listening sessions identified internal facilitators and barriers to adoption. The article provides ideas for how Extension practitioners can engage in this work and shares an action plan developed from assessment results.
6 pages, Extension professionals are skilled at connecting with community partners and community members to identify needs and address challenges. This paper outlines how Extension professionals quickly responded to address rising rates of food insecurity in a rural Tennessee County during the COVID-19 pandemic. Through an extensive network of state, regional, and local partners, Extension professionals and partners planned and implemented mobile food distributions through the United States Department of Agriculture’s Farmers to Families program. These Extension-led efforts resulted in sustainable, community-driven initiatives to improve food insecurity. Lessons learned can help Extension professionals respond to emerging needs.
11 pages, Existing research and practice related to digital agriculture technology adoption is largely focused on large-scale producers. In this paper, we describe a case of adopting an advanced soil monitoring system in a community-based agricultural organization. We provide guidance for Extension professionals seeking to implement or promote digital agriculture technology adoption on: selecting appropriate technology, incorporating new technology into existing practices, harnessing local technology champions, and avoiding data-driven mission creep.