Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 127 Document Number: D02765
Online from Federal Trade Commission, Washington, D.C. 4 pages., Commends industry for progress, urges broader participation and continued improvement.
Report on viral marketing campaigns that use video on the Web. Cites two examples:, used by John Deere to stimulate interest in a new line of tractors, and Blimp Chasers, used by Syngenta to create interest in a seed treatment for the cotton market.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 166 Document Number: C27719
Presented at the conference of the Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life and Human Sciences at Traverse City, Michigan, June 9-14, 2008. 2 pages.
Gordon, Ross (author), Hastings, Gerard (author), McDermott, Laura (author), and Evans, W. Douglas (author)
Book chapter
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D01365
Pages 74-90 in W. Douglas Evans and Gerard Hastings (eds.), Public health branding: applying marketing for social change. Oxford University Press, Oxford, England. 304 pages.
Hastings, Gerard (author), Freeman, Jo (author), Spackova, Renata (author), and Siguier, Pierre (author)
Book chapter
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D01363
Pages 93-107 in W. Douglas Evans and Gerard Hastings (eds.), Public health branding: applying marketing for social change. Oxford University Press, Oxford, England. 304 pages.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 201 Document Number: D11823
Thesis in partial fulfillment of a Master of Science degree, A.Q. Miller School of Journalism, Kansas State University, Manhattan. 103 pages. Retrieved by online keyword searching. Only the title page, abstract, content section, and discussion section are printed for reference., Case analysis of a video that went viral, "I'm farming and I grow it." It was created by three Kansas farm boys. Author used two theories, Uses and Gratifications and Two-Step Flow, to identify key factors in the success. The study also provided a model to help a non-professional video go viral, based on previous research and this case study.