This project file is maintained by the Agricultural Communications Program, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign > "International" section > "Jordan Project, 1963-1966" file.
Also, find several research and project summary reports at ACDC documents C00056, C00053, and D09979, From files of the Agricultural Communications Program, University of Illinois., Project file involving the philosophy, planning, and operation of an unusual concept in the international exchange of learning. The program was carried out through a joint contract between the U.S. Agency for International Development, the University of Illinois, and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The contract involved (a) a University of Illinois agricultural communications specialist assigned to Jordan for two years as "chief of party in the new Agricultural Information Office, (b) three short-term consultants supporting specific communications specialties in the new office, (c)four persons selected as staff members of the new office trained in agricultural communications for seven months at the University of Illinois, and (d) new staff members returned to Jordan accompanied by one of the short-term University of Illinois consultants. File includes the goal, contract, correspondence, planning, operations, samples of information produced, and final reporting.