12 pages, Notable differences have been observed in how society perceives and understands the agricultural industry. Consumers today are concerned with how their food is raised and produced, and drastic changes in how information is gathered regarding those subjects have occurred due to the rapid development of digital media. As a result, the agricultural industry has fallen behind in ensuring accurate information is shared about the daily work done to feed the world. A form of digital media that has infiltrated the daily lives of society is social media (SM). This study sought to evaluate the impact established agricultural social media influencers (SMIs) on Instagram can have on changing participants' perceived knowledge regarding several agricultural topics. Participants were recruited through the platform Prolific and were asked to complete an anonymous Qualtrics survey. Survey questions were asked before and after participants were shown example images of agricultural SMIs. Data collected were analyzed utilizing IBM SPSS (Version 28) to compare pre-image and post-image results to determine the contents' impact on participants' perceived knowledge of subjects relating to agriculture. Results indicated significant differences between the pre-image and post-image perceived knowledge results and between different forms of reported engagement willingness.
Via online issue. 2 pages., Introduction and description of Golden ARC Award in social media for the Moo Lab entry submitted by Midwest Dairy and FLM Harvest.
8 pages., Special issue. Online via open access., Using evidence in existing literature, authors created an economic model to predict the impact of obesity on the aggregate lifetime earnings for the Millennium Generation and the consequences for employers and employees. They proposed a common health framework to business strategies to contain costs and maximize Millennial workers' health and productivity.
10 pages., Online via UI electronic subscription., Researchers surveyed 423 students enrolled in agriculture, business, and communication design courses at two universities, as well as Facebook users. Responses involving identified food recalls were analyzed using hierarchical regression analysis. Findings indicated that recall concern, propensity to reduce consumption beyond the recall parameters, and media reliance held strong, direct effects on broad consumption changes.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 131 Document Number: D11333
Online from the National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. 22 pages., Report of a national online survey among a representative sample of 18- to 37-year old residents in the United States. Invited information about science topics and other related and unrelated content areas, then build a picture of science relevance and connection from the full pattern of survey responses. "...this investigation represents a crucial first step toward a more data-driven, audience-centric approach to doing public engagement with and for young adults - an approach that is necessary and appropriate for the 21st century."
Report based on data from a study among 3,757 students attending 18 institutions. Students who have chosen banking, dentistry, music and government service were found to be more conservative whereas the liberal attitudes were found among those planning on journalism, social work, law, and agriculture. The attitudes most favorable toward the college attended were found among students choosing such vocations as ministry, banking, teaching, and social service. The least favorable attitudes were indicated by the groups choosing aviation, agriculture, journalism, and music. It is possible that these unfavorable attitudes may be due in part to the inability of these 18 institutions to meet adequately the needs of students planning to enter aviation, agriculture, journalism, and music.
12 pages., Accessed via UI subscription, Summary of the journal article., How young Polish consumers perceive the selected sources of information on foodstuffs. Also examines their comprehension, hierarchy of importance and use of labels on food products.