Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 145 Document Number: D11558
1 page., Online via AgriMarketing Weekly. 1 page., Farm Journal, the parent company of The Packer, is enhancing its Produce Market Guide digital platform by merging it with its brand Produce Retailer, creating a combined brand called PMG."
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 202 Document Number: D12131
News release from the Pear Bureau Northwest introduces the first winner in a nationwide "Aisle of Red Pears" display challenge. This article features displays at the Fresh Thyme store in Iowa. 3 pages., "We have seen some amazing displays that are resulting in double digit sales increases."
11 pages, We conducted a needs assessment to determine food safety resources required by produce growers in Georgia. Most respondents were farm owners (52.5%), food safety managers (48.3%), and/or farm managers (34.2%). The most requested topics for training included how to improve food safety management skills and how to manage a food safety program. Of 120 respondents, 25 were unsure whether their operations were required to comply with the Produce Safety Rule. This information will guide Georgia food safety educators in developing materials and curricula for growers throughout Georgia. Additionally, our survey and findings may be of use to Extension professionals elsewhere in the Southeast and beyond.
Online from publisher. 3 pages., The chief merchandising office of a New-York-City-based online grocer, FreshDirect, describes methods used for successful online food shopping experiences for prospects and continuing customers. He observes that more than 30 percent of the grocer's customers shop exclusively from their "re-shop" baskets. However, he explains ways used to give customers reasons to branch out from their normal baskets.
Via online issue. 3 pages., Results of a 2020 study by the Produce for Better Health Foundation indicate that fruit and vegetable consumption in the U.S. has declined almost 10 percent since 2004.
Online from publication. 3 pages., Ideas for staffing and promoting sales of fruits and vegetables in the produce departments of retail food stores during the Easter season, which features nearly as heavy volume as Thanksgiving.
Online from publication. 2 pages., Report of a panel discussion at the Produce Marketing Association's Fresh Summit. Includes reference to need in marketing communications for greater orientation to consumer needs and desires.
Online from publisher. 4 pages., "There are several ways to ensure profitability when considering whether to add distribution or delivery services to your company. Those same methods also can help you evaluate whether the services you already offer are making you money."