Purpose: The impact of agricultural knowledge transfer (KT) is related to the access to and the quality of services available. Within this context, the allocation of resources in terms of KT offices and the number of advisers are important considerations for understanding KT impact. This quantitative study evaluates the impact of KT resources on farm profitability for clients in Ireland during the recessionary period 2008–2014.
Design/Methodology: Teagasc, the public KT service provider in Ireland, experienced significant office closures (43%) and a reduction in advisers (38%) during the economic crisis, yet client numbers declined only slightly (4.5%). Administrative data are merged with a panel data set on farm-level performance to evaluate the impact through Random Effects estimation.
Findings: The results show that clients gained a 12.3% benefit to their margin per hectare over the period. However, there was a negative effect of 0.2% for each additional client assigned to the adviser which averaged at 9.6%.
Practical Implications: The quantitative findings provide a measure of impact that represents the value for money for the KT service. The key implication is that the client ratio for advisers should be considered when allocating resources and lower ratios would positively impact client margins.
Theoretical Implications: This article outlines the value of quantitative studies to estimate impact in a clear translatable manner which can aid the policy discussion around resource deployment.
Originality/Value: This study evaluates the impact of KT during a recessionary period when resources were constrained, and uses client ratios to examine the spatial effects.
Bergstrom, John C. (author), Randall, Alan (author), Stoll, John R. (author), and Bergstrom: Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Georgia; Stoll: Department of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University; Randall: Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, The Ohio State University
Journal article
Publication Date:
USA: Ames, IA : American Agricultural Economics Association.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 92 Document Number: C06814
AGRICOLA IND 90050733, A conceptual model is developed which provides insight into how information affects willingness to pay for environmental commodities. A refutable hypothesis of the effects of a specific information type on the magnitude of willingness to pay for an environmental commodity is developed. This hypothesis is tested using a contingent valuation method experiment. Results indicate that information affects willingness to pay in a theoretically plausible manner. The results support the contention that information is important for accurate environmental commodity consumer valuations.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 107 Document Number: C10135
search from AgEcon., ERI Study Paper 95-13. September 1995 10 pages; Adobe Acrobat PDF 57K bytes, In a two-period model, economists such as K.J. Arrow, A.C. Fisher, and C. Henry, have shown that when development is both indivisible and irreversible, a developer who ignores the possibility of obtaining new information about the outcome of such development will invariably underestimate the benefits of preservation and hence favor development. In this note, I extend the AFH analysis in two directions. I model the land development problem in a dynamic framework, explicitly specifying an information production function. In such a setting, I then ask and answer the question concerning when development should take place. JEL Classification: D82, Q20 Key words: development, dynamic, information, uncertainty
Forthcoming in Journal of Environmental Management