Jones, Dewitt (author), Parks, Alfred L. (author), and Jones: Professor and Chair, Department of Agricultural Economics, Southern University; Parks: Professor and Chair, Department of Agriculture, Prairie View A&M University
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 94 Document Number: C07283
Batte, Marvin T. (author), Jones, Eugene (author), Schnitkey, Gary D. (author), and Department of Agricultural and Rural Sociology, Ohio State University
Journal article
Publication Date:
USA: Experiment, GA : Southern Agricultural Economics Association.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 92 Document Number: C06729
AGRICOLA IND 91016420, Farm producers attempt to mitigate risk and uncertainty by utilizing accurate and reliable information. This research attempts to identify sources of information used by Ohio fruit producers and then determine which of these sources are best meeting their information needs. Results are based on a logic analysis of Ohio fruit producers and several factors are shown to influence producers' evaluation of the "adequacy" of their marketing information. Among these factors are age, business size, education, type of enterprise, and types of information sources. Reported findings have implications for marketing efficiency, particularly if producers' evaluation of information as adequate is positively related to its efficient use.
AGRICOLA AGE 86926762, Extract: This paper describes four agribusiness simulators which can be processed on a microcomputer for use in undergraduate and extension teaching. The simulators model the environment in which supermarket chains, farm supply centers, and cooperative and proprietary grain elevators compete for business. Instruction manuals, user's manuals, and a diskette are distributed for each simulator. Each diskette contains programs to enter and print reports, and to create graphs of team performance. The simulators can be used to teach financial management concepts and techniques, as well as economic principles.
Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Paper No. TA-25007; AGRICOLA IND 90017245, Agricultural lenders have a stake in and are in a position to influence their borrowers' management decisions. Risk management practice adoption is an area in which lenders might want to exercise this influence. This study employs logistic statistical models to estimate lenders' influence on crop producers decisions regarding use of three alternative risk management practices: federal multiple-peril crop insurance, crop hail and fire insurance, and forward contracting. Results suggest lenders can exert significant influence on these decisions but that poor communication between lenders and borrowers likely reduces this influence.
AGRICOLA IND 92004221, County agents receive cost of production information primarily from state extension services and then disseminate it to agricultural producers. A survey gathered data on agent usage of this information. A Poisson regression analysis using count data was performed to determine the factors influencing the number of times county agents directly referred to published cost of production (enterprise budget) information in a year. The agent's understanding of budget information use in management decisions, the availability of budgets, and his/her receiving the budgets in multiple forms (e.g., sheets, booklets, or software) had significant positive impacts on the use of budgets by the agent. (original)