14 pages., Online via JSTOR digital archive., Analysis revealed that the modes of dispute settlement in two Iranian communities were contingent upon the degree of kinship, and that modern changes in the two communities did not modify the relationship between dispute settlement and kinship obligations.
9 pages., Online via UI e-subscription., Author explored dual pressures on the U.S.Forest Service, based on changing culture of the home organization and external environmental factors involving topics such as forest plans, timber sales, oil and gas leases, and grazing permits on public land. Described approaches and experiences of the Forest Service, which as among the first federal agencies to institutionalize dispute resolution procedures formally and did so on its own initiative.
21 pages., Online via UI e-subscription., Article described a negotiation simulation designed to incorporate skill building, process management, conflict analysis, and conflict management tools.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 148 Document Number: D11592
Journal Title Details:
21(1-2) : 19-25
8 pages., Online via UI e-subscription., Author introduces a model for use in program planning centered on formulation, administrative approval, and delivery of learning content. Cites planning as a process in which multiple parties with many disparate interests are present and the planner must work to negotiate those interests so that successful and effective programs are produced and provided.
2 pages., Online via ebscohost digital archive. March 20, 2015 issue., "Tenants and landlords of Agricultural Holdings Act (AHA) tenancies will be able to settle disputes more easily following agreement on changes to legislation this week."
19 pages., Online via UI Catalog., Authors discussed the benefits and challenges of managing environmental disputes through facilitation and mediation, where a neutral third party is engaged to help design and manage a constructive problem-solving process. The article included examples of mediation efforts.
5 pages., Online via UI Catalog. September-October issue., Authors described types of legal disputes in the equine industry, addressed why and when to use mediation, and offered suggestions on mediation methods.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 207 Document Number: D12977
194 pages., The concept of sustainable development is a source of inspiration for many, who see it as a call to cooperative action. In practice, however, policies intended to further this goal often generate conflicts of interest. The ensuing disputes occur among governmental organizations, but disputes also arise between public authorities, private interest groups, and the environmental movement. In the opinion of the authors, the fact that environmental policy can provoke such conflict may be attributed largely to decision making procedures in our society. Accordingly, the authors are convinced that a new approach to managing environmental disputes is needed in order to deal effectively with environmental problems. Indeed, this book presents a viable alternative, which is called network management.
7 pages., Online via UI Catalog. 7 pages., "Taking a dispute to court costs money - lots of money. Mediation is often a cheaper and quicker alternative, and being properly prepared can help the process."