3 pages, Horticulture crops play significant role in improving the productivity of land, generating employment, enhancing exports, improving economic conditions of the farmers and entrepreneurs and providing food and nutritional security to the people. For better management of the existing crops and to bring more area under horticulture crops, updated and accurate database is necessary for systematic planning and decision making. Remote sensing (RS) is an advanced tool that aids in gathering and updating information to develop scientific management plans. Many types of sensors namely microwave radiometers, laser meters, magnetic sensors and cameras collect electromagnetic information to derive accurate, large-scale information about the Earth's surface and atmosphere. Because these data and images are digital, they can easily be quantified and manipulated using computers. RS can be used in efforts to reduce the risk and minimize damage. The same data can be analyzed in different ways for different applications. A number of studies were aiming at identification of crop, area estimation, disease and pest identification, etc. using satellite data in horticulture. The potential use of RS techniques in Horticulture is briefly reviewed in order to exploit the available techniques for efficient crop management.
7 pages, The application of balanced fertilizers is essential to produce highquality broccoli. A field experiment was conducted to find an appropriate fertilizer management practice for broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. ‘Italica’) that can generate higher yield and quality. The experiment comprised 24 treatment combinations with six fertilizer management practices, i.e., T1: control. T2: cow dung at 10 t ha-1. T3: chicken manure at 10 t ha-1. T4: recommended NPK dose. T5: cow dung at 5 t ha-1 + 50% of the recommended NPK dose. T6: chicken manure at 5 t ha-1 + 50% of the recommended NPK dose. The highest plant height (60.00 cm) occurred in response to T6, the highest stem length (22.25 cm) in T4, and the maximum number of leaves per plant (22.00) in T4 and T6 treatments. Maximum fresh leaf weight per plant (609 g), stem diameter (3.98 cm), curd diameter (16.63 cm), and individual curd weight (494.50 g) occurred in response to the T5 treatment. The optimum yield (25.78 t ha-1) of broccoli can be obtained by application of cow dung (5 t ha-1) with a recommended dose of 50% inorganic fertilizer NPK (T5). Maximum TSS value (10.54%) occurred in response to T3, which was statistically similar to the effect of T6 (10.52%). Vitamin C content (80.77 mg 100 g-1) became significantly high in response to the T4 treatment (100% recommended dose of NPK). Minimum vitamin C content (53.84 mg 100 g-1) occurred in the control treatment (T1). Applying cow dung at 5 t ha-1 in addition to the 50% recommended dose of NPK fertilizers (T5) led to superior yield values in broccoli.
15 pages, The potato crop is considered one of the most important vegetable crops which have the ingredients to increase its exports to the foreign markets. In the period 2006- 2022, the volume of potato exports in the world ranged from 7.89 million tons in 2006 to about 12.3 million Ton in 2022, reflecting the increase in the quantity of world exports by about 24.20% from the average international exports during the study period estimated at about 9.8 million tons during the study period, the world price of potato exports has ranged from $ 217 / ton in 2006 to about $ 373 / ton in 2022, reflecting an increase in the price of world exports by about 25.69% from the average international exports during the study period estimated at about 272.76 $/tons during the study, with an annual increase rate of about 0.02% of the world average potato price during the study period, World potato imports show that the average world potato imports were estimated at 5.05 million tons during the study period (2006-2022) and ranged from a minimum of about 7.66 million tons in 2007 to a maximum of 18.75 million tons in 2022, an increase of about 35.9% from the annual average during the study period. The results indicate that the average quantity of Egyptian imports of potatoes was about 92 thousand tons during the study period and ranged between a minimum of about 48 thousand tons in 2006 and a maximum of about 218 thousand tons in 2021, an increase of about 91.66% on the average of Egyptian potato imports during the study period, the direct correlation between the average quantity of potato imports of Egypt during the studied period shows that it increases annually by a statistical certainty of about 0.47 thousand tons representing about 0.51% of the average quantity of Egyptian imports from The yield was 92.000 tons during the study period .The import price of potatoes during the period (2006-2022) ranged between a minimum of about 486 dollars / ton in 2006 and a maximum of about 1023 dollars / ton in 2022, reflecting the increase in the price of Egyptian imports of potatoes 50.7 the average price of potato imports in Egypt, estimated at 679 $ / ton, shows that the average price of potato imports increased annually by a statistical certainty of about 0.16 USD / ton, an increase of about 0.02% average import price of potatoes during the study period As shown by the study of the competitiveness indicators of the Egyptian potato, the markets of the EU countries are considered the main importer of Egyptian potatoes. This indicates that the advantages of the European Union should be constantly improved.
8 pages, The study examined the impact of climate change and extension service on rice farmers' yield in Ebonyi State, Nigeria. A total of 402 rice farmers were sampled through multi-stage sampling for questionnaire administration. Primary data collected were analyzed using mean, frequency, percentage, ordinary least square multiple regression techniques, the Local Average Treatment Effect (LATE) model, and the probit model. Socio-economic characteristics show that a greater proportion of the farmers were male (51.7%), married (84.1%), and attended secondary education (47.8%). Sources of climate change information were farmer-to-farmer (100%), telephone/mobile phone (98.5%), radio (92.5%), workshop/seminars (73.4%), and television (46.8%). Temperature (P<-0.01), rainfall (P<-0.01), evaporation rate (P<-0.01), and severe windstorm (P<-0.01) influenced rice yield negatively, while relative humidity (P<0.05) and atmospheric pressure (P<0.01) had a positive influence on rice yield. The results from the LATE model, which measures the average effect of a treatment on the treated, show a decrease in rice yields of 84.1% and 96.5%. Production constraints felt by rice farmers include high cost of input materials (100%), inadequate capital (100%), high cost of labor (99.8%), poor extension access and service (99.5%), and Fulani-herdsmen conflict (76.9%). The study recommends rice farmers implement climate-smart agriculture to mitigate climate change and access farm information and/or services from experienced farmers.
16 pages, The round sardinella, Sardinella aurita, is the most important species in the North Sinai fisheries; it represents about 85 % of the total catch in the North Sinai fisheries, yet the fishing activities are still based on traditional methods, like gathering information from fellow fishermen. The fishing grounds constantly change due to environmental factors; therefore, determining the potential fishing zones (PFZs) must depend on effective and advanced techniques to monitor the optimal (PFZs) for Sardinella aurita along the North Sinai coastal zone. This study integrated the daily Sentinel-3 satellite's remotely sensed data, advanced digital imagery processing techniques, and fish yield data obtained from the General Authority for Fish Resources Development (GAFRD) for Sardinella aurita in the North Sinai fisheries during 2021 to build a suitable model for determining, monitoring, and predicting the other optimal (PFZs) for Sardinella aurita along the North Sinai coastal zone. The results confirmed that, regarding the total catch of Sardinella aurita in 2021, the highest catch reached 73, 68, and 47 tons in April, December, and November, respectively, while the lowest catch reached 6 tons in January. The predicted PFZs resulting from the model are estimated to be 7 times more than the fishing grounds where fishermen currently fish. Moreover, the results confirmed the strong linkage between Sardinella aurita abundance and chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentration with sea surface temperature (SST). This study highlighted the importance of using remotely sensed data to help increase the national income from the fisheries sector by determining and predicting new fishing zones.
20 pages., Given the multi-benefits, enset cultivation has been continuously underutilized in Ethiopia. We assess best practices, processing technologies, environmental maintenance, multi-benefits of enset and its potency in hunger reduction in Ethiopia by reviewing evidence on good farm practices, improved technologies, sustainability, hunger reduction, inputs cost, and yields advantage of enset. The review results identify those best practices that optimize enset yield, technologies that facilitate extension services, processing and food qualities of enset. Moreover, we find that enset is a first-rated climate-smart crop, superior hunger solution because of its apparent capability to endure long periods (more than 5 years) of drought, highest yield, energy food supply, and costs advantages. In contrast, its long-period maturity, cultural perceptions, and little development policy attention given to enset limit its expansion. Therefore, exploring and creating universal access mechanism of early maturing and high-yielding varieties, processing technologies and mobile-based advices, involving best practices of enset in regular agricultural extension services, changing social perceptions optimize enset yield and production thereby it contributes environmental sustainability and cuts hunger challenges.
12 pages, We use the 2013 cotton precision farming survey data to study the adoption of irrigation technologies by cotton farmers in 14 states of the United States. We find that farmers with a higher irrigated yield, and who are from the Southern Plains (Texas and Oklahoma), adopt water-efficient irrigation technologies, such as sub-surface drip and trickle irrigation technologies. There are 10 irrigation technologies that farmers can adopt for cotton production in these 14 cotton-growing states. The intensity of the irrigation technologies, as measured by the number of irrigation technologies adopted in cotton production, is affected by the irrigated cotton yield realized, land holding (total land owned), education, computer use, and the origin of the cotton farmer being from the Southern Plains. We use a multivariate fractional regression model to identify land allocation by the different irrigation technologies used. Our results indicate that significant variables affecting land allocation with different irrigation technologies are the age of the operator, the cover crop, the information sources used, the per acre irrigated yield, the education, and the cotton farmer being from the Southern Plains.
7 pages., via online journal article, The complexities of Melanesian customary land tenure greatly influence the adoption of community-based reforestation (CBR) in Papua New Guinea (PNG). CBR has recently become a focus for the PNG government due to declining yield from native forests which has renewed attention on developing timber plantations to augment villagers' livelihoods. In this paper, we investigate the factors which affect adoption of timber tree-growing by farmers and communities. We assess the efficacy of a policy frequently employed by non-government organisations (NGOs) in which single or multi-clan based seedling nurseries are used to encourage tree growing. A key finding is that people's need for technical assistance is subordinate to social and cultural factors, principally the need for community harmony. Farmers' motivation to plant trees is adversely influenced by uncertainties inherent in PNG's system of customary land tenure. Interventions – in this case extension assistance to grow trees – may create or exacerbate intra- and inter-clan conflict by bringing long term uncertainties into short term focus. For villagers in PNG, as in other cultures, we conclude that key enabling conditions for collective action revolve around strengthening villagers' bridging social capital in a manner which is sensitive to their longstanding social traditions. Targeted, do-it-yourself, family assistance may be as effective as attempts to encourage collective action. The implications of our findings for Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) which envisages a participatory approach to community engagement, are that cross-community initiatives may not be feasible without extensive investment in building social capital. Initiatives targeted at families or family-groups may be most successful.