10 pages, Yaried AA, Bullo MS. 2025. Determinants of women’s participation in income generating activities in western Ethiopia. Asian J Agric 9: 84-93. Participating in various income generating activities can improve women’s living standards by providing additional income, increasing agricultural productivity, reducing poverty and improving food security. This study focuses on assessing determinants of women’s participation in income generating activities in Itang special district of Gambella region. Primarily, Itang Special District was selected purposively among thirteen districts and 168 respondents were selected by using simple random sampling method. The data for this study was collected from both primary and secondary data sources. The descriptive analysis revealed that 62 (36.9%) of the households were farm participants, 86 (51.2%) were non-farm, and 20 (11.9%) were off-farm participants, respectively. Correspondingly, the multinomial logit model indicated that education status, household size, land size, livestock holding, access to credit, access to extension contacts, distance to main road, access to training, access to infrastructures, and access to market information is enormously significant variables that affect women’s participation in income generating activities. In conclusion, women’s participation in income generating activities has a greater role on improvements of their means of living. Therefore, government agencies, policymakers, and NGOs should pay attention to strengthening rural women households' participation in various income generating activities to improve their means of living.
8 pages, The study examined the impact of climate change and extension service on rice farmers' yield in Ebonyi State, Nigeria. A total of 402 rice farmers were sampled through multi-stage sampling for questionnaire administration. Primary data collected were analyzed using mean, frequency, percentage, ordinary least square multiple regression techniques, the Local Average Treatment Effect (LATE) model, and the probit model. Socio-economic characteristics show that a greater proportion of the farmers were male (51.7%), married (84.1%), and attended secondary education (47.8%). Sources of climate change information were farmer-to-farmer (100%), telephone/mobile phone (98.5%), radio (92.5%), workshop/seminars (73.4%), and television (46.8%). Temperature (P<-0.01), rainfall (P<-0.01), evaporation rate (P<-0.01), and severe windstorm (P<-0.01) influenced rice yield negatively, while relative humidity (P<0.05) and atmospheric pressure (P<0.01) had a positive influence on rice yield. The results from the LATE model, which measures the average effect of a treatment on the treated, show a decrease in rice yields of 84.1% and 96.5%. Production constraints felt by rice farmers include high cost of input materials (100%), inadequate capital (100%), high cost of labor (99.8%), poor extension access and service (99.5%), and Fulani-herdsmen conflict (76.9%). The study recommends rice farmers implement climate-smart agriculture to mitigate climate change and access farm information and/or services from experienced farmers.