14 pages., Online via UI e-subscription, This critical review examined the role that country image and country of origin play in food retailing within the context of international trade in food. Authors developed a research agenda, highlighting several major avenues and methodological approaches with the aim of enhancing the relevance and validity of COO research in food retailing and promotion management.
15 pages., Online via UI e-subscription., Researchers analyzed antecedents and consequences of affective commitment revealed "the importance of pleasant arousal in reinforcing self-expressive recycling in order to increase the affective commitment."
19 pages., Online via UI e-subscription, Researchers examined the effectiveness of descriptive norm cues in the context of green advertising for large grocery chains through the lens of the persuasion knowledge model. "Results suggested that green advertising might be more productive if retailers frame their messages without descriptive norm cues and reliance on whether they are seen as 'green' (Whole Foods) or 'non green' (Wal-Mart)."
17 pages., Online via UI e-subscription, Researchers used content analysis to determine the relationship between the use of celebrities and the types of products endorsed in one popular U.S. magazine and two popular Thailand magazines. Results indicated that a significant relationship existed among celebrity endorsers and product types. Product categories involving food, diet, and weight loss were among those in which celebrity endorsers were used most.
7 pages., Online journal article via UI e-subscription. Co-published simultaneously in Mary-Lou Galician (ed.), Handbook of product placement in the mass media: new strategies in marketing theory, practice, trends, and ethics. Best Business Books., Executive director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest responds to questions about trends and public issues related to use of product placements in movies and television.