Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 207 Document Number: D13037
6 pages, Kefirs are fermented beverages containing yeast and bacteria produced by the fermentation of water or milk with kefir grains. Because microorganism density may influence a product's health benefits, label accuracy regarding viable bacterial density and taxonomy of fermented foods is important. In this study, the microbiota of 5 commercial kefir products were measured quantitatively using standard plating techniques and characterized using high-resolution, long-read 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. To enumerate viable lactic acid bacteria, 2 lots of each product were plated on de Man, Rogosa and Sharpe agar upon opening and following 14 d and incubated under anaerobic and aerobic conditions. Results revealed that 66% of products with a guaranteed count of colony-forming units per gram overstated microorganism density by at least 1 log, with only product E exceeding 1 × 109 cfu/g. Sequencing results demonstrated moderate product label accuracy in regard to taxonomy, yet several products contained bacterial species above the minimum detectable threshold (0.001% relative abundance) that were not included on the labels (e.g., Streptococcus salivarius, Lactobacillus paracasei). Our results demonstrate a moderate level of labeling accuracy for commercial kefir products intended for human consumption. Regulatory agencies and consumers must continue to scrutinize these products and demand a higher level of accuracy and quality.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 202 Document Number: D12142
Online via AgriMarketing Weekly. 1 page., Brief summary of findings from a data analysis by Catalina Marketing based on consumer behavior during the past year of the pandemic. Findings concluded that "several categories have experienced strong sales spikes, while others continue to struggle." Eight of the 15 top categories of sales growth during the past year involved food or beverages offering convenience and/or comfort.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 202 Document Number: D12014
Online from website of 4 pages., Author briefly describes two case examples of crisis management (one effective, one ineffective), emphasizes the importance of a plan, and describes four steps to get started in planning.
Via UI online subscription., This article discusses food fraud as not a phenomenon of modern times. The author notes that illegal manipulations occurred as soon as humankind started to trade with food. Examples feature various kinds of manipulations by ancient Greeks and Romans.
Via online issue. 2 pages., Introduction and description of Golden ARC Award in social media for the Moo Lab entry submitted by Midwest Dairy and FLM Harvest.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 30 Document Number: D10557
2 pages., via website, AgriMarketing Weekly., A Wisconsin judge on Friday ordered Anheuser-Busch to stop suggesting in advertising that MillerCoors’ light beers contain corn syrup, wading into a fight between two beer giants that are losing market share to small independent brewers.
Austin, Lucinda L. (author / University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Schultz, MaryClaire (author / Elon University), and Gaither, Barbara Miller (author / Elon University)
Book chapter
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 102 Document Number: D10898
See also D10895., Pages 95-103 in Brigitta R. Brunner and Corey A. Hickerson (editors), Cases in public relations: translating ethics into action. Oxford University Press, New York City, New York. 359 pages., Reports on goals of McDonald's to increase transparency with consumers. While their goals are clear, their actions fall short."