98 pages., ISBN: 9780438072190, Via ProQuest Dissertations and Theses., This study explored how preexisting values influence attitudes about GMOs and if aligning messages about GMOs with these values would lead to a greater chance of central processing, and subsequently, greater alignment with message-congruent attitudes. Utilizing the Elaboration Likelihood Model as a theoretical foundation, an online experiment was used to measure several values of participants, including altruistic, biospheric and egoistic value orientations as well as agricultural identity. Attitude accessibility and pre- and post-opinions were also measured in order to determine how much of an effect the presented stimuli had on the participants. All participants were presented with a stimulus that either aligned or didn’t align with their self-ranked GMO value-argument. It was found that attitude accessibility, agricultural identity and in some cases a biospehric value orientation were the most important predictors for a number of constructs related to GMO attitudes. In addition, agricultural identity did not correlate with any other value orientation, yet was the strongest predictor of many related attitudes. Future research should continue to explore the complexity of values within agricultural communication contexts and expand the understanding of how agricultural identity influences such outcomes.