- Collection:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center (ACDC)
- Contributers:
- Yang, Shang-Ho (author) and Woods, Timothy A. (author)
- Format:
- Paper
- Publication Date:
- 2013-02-03
- URL:
- http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/handle/143079
- Published:
- Location:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 186 Document Number: D00901
- Subject Term:
- attitudes, beef, buyer behavior, buying behavior, commodity promotion, consumer attitudes, consumers, decision making, educational needs, expenditures, health information, information needs, knowledge, knowledge level, meat, nutrition, nutrition information, promotion, and value of information
- Notes:
- Paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association annual meeting, Orlando, Florida, February 3-5, 2013. 16 pages.