Camacho-Villa, Tania Carolina (author), Almekinders, Conny (author), Hellin, Jon (author), Martinez-Cruz, Tania Eulalia (author), Rendon-Medel, Roberto (author), and International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center, Mexico, D.F.
Wageningen University, The Netherlands
Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Mexico
Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas
University of Bonn, Germany
Online journal article
Publication Date:
Mexico: Taylor & Francis
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 108 Document Number: D10955
17 pages, via online journal, Purpose: Little is known about effective ways to operationalize agricultural innovation processes. We use the MasAgro program in Mexico (which aims to increase maize and wheat productivity, profitability and sustainability), and the experiences of middle level ‘hub managers’, to understand how innovation processes occur in heterogeneous and changing contexts. Design/methodology/approach: We use a comparative case study analysis involving research tools such as documentary review, key informant interviews, focus group discussions, and reflection workshops with key actors. Findings: Our research shows how a program, that initially had a relatively narrow technology focus, evolved towards an innovation system approach. The adaptive management of such a process was in response to context-specific challenges and opportunities. In the heterogeneous context of Mexico this results in diverse ways of operationalization at the hub level, leading to different collaborating partners and technology portfolios. Practical implications: MasAgro experiences merit analysis in the light of national public efforts to transform agricultural advisory services and accommodate pluralistic agricultural extension approaches in Latin America. Such efforts need long-term coherent macro level visions, frameworks and support, while the serendipitous nature of the process requires meso-level implementers to respond and adapt to and move the innovation process forward. Originality/value: This paper contributes to the debate on how to operationalize large programs by showing that the innovation support arrangements enacted in the field should allow for diversity and have a degree of flexibility to accommodate heterogeneous demands from farmers in different contexts as well as continuous changes in the politico- institutional environment.
Yu Jin (author), Huffman, Wallace E. (author), and Department of Economics, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
Department of Economics, Iowa State University
Journal article
Publication Date:
Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 16 Document Number: D10455
17 pages., Via online journal., This article provides new estimates of the marginal product of public agricultural research and extension on state agricultural productivity for the U.S., using updated data and definitions, and forecasts of future agricultural productivity growth by state. The underlying rationale for a number of important decisions that underlie the data used in cost‐return estimates for public agricultural research and extension are presented. The parameters of the state productivity model are estimated from a panel of contiguous U.S. 48 states from 1970 to 2004. Public research and extension are shown to be substitutes rather than complements. The econometric model of state agricultural TFP predicts growth rates of TFP for two‐thirds of states that is less than the past trend rate. The results and data indicate a real social rate of return to public investments in agricultural research of 67% and to agricultural extension of 100+%. The article concludes with guidance for TFP analyses in other countries.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D08869
Pages 257-287 in Ormrod, James S. (ed.), Changing our environment, changing ourselves: nature, labour, knowledge and alienation. United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan UK, London. 315 pages.
8 pages., via online journal., This study seeks to explore the influence of forms of communication on the performance of field workers in Finlay Flowers Kericho, focusing on the Communication process and quality management in flower production. The study was conducted at Finlay Flowers one of the leading producer of cut flowers in Kenya. A total of 145 respondents were selected from a population of 1,175 interacting groups comprising of middle level managers and field workers. Primary data was collected using structured questionnaires and an interview schedule and collected data was analysed using Statistical package for social sciences (SPSS). Findings revealed that all forms of communications had influence on performance of field staff with demonstrations appearing to be more influential in this regard. This is attributed to the fact that demonstration is a consultative event where the management directly involves the employees and advice on the specifications or product requirements. In conclusion, main driver of performance as revealed by the findings of the study meaningful communication process; senior management communication style, supportive work environment and line management style. Based on the findings, the study recommends that in order to improve performance, demonstration as a form of communication should be encouraged, as workers need detailed information on how to conduct their duties especially when handling the produce, also the use of interactive methods as forms of passing messages will help in improving production efficiency.
Lin, Hanhui (author), Cai, Ken (author), Chen. Huazhou (author), Zeng, ZhaoFeng (author), and Center for Educational Technology, Guangdong University of Finance and Economics, Guangzhou, China
School of Information Science and Technology, Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering, Guangzhou, 510225, China
College of Science, Guilin University of Technology, Guilin, China
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, California State University, East Bay, CA, United States
Journal article
Publication Date:
International: Kassel University Press GmbH
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D08179
12 pages, via online journal, Since the rice crisis of 2007, the government of Benin has initiated many programmes for rice intensification. Comparison of three rice production areas shows that local rice production has indeed been increased by the facilities provided by the government programmes. Although broadly the same facilities (market outlet, credit, input, etc.) were provided to rice farmers in the three study areas, which are located close to one another, there are not only similar, but also some different outcomes with regard to farmers' practices. There were also some unexpected changes, like the shift from limited collective canal cleaning to individual canal cleaning in Koussin-Lélé and the use of pumps in upland areas in Bamè. The study explores the interplay between these external interventions of government programmes and local actions of farmers to explain the outcomes. Using an actor-oriented perspective, the study concludes that farmers' agency played a critical role in the success of interventions; the changes occurred because of local actions of the farmers and intermediaries interacting with the external interventions at diverse junctures. Differences in strategies for resolving livelihood problems, in production options and biophysical conditions influence farmers' local actions and contribute to the explanation of the diversity of outcomes. The main lesson drawn from this research is that evaluation studies should not consider external interventions as the only or primary source of change. The dynamic interplay between local agency, intermediation and external interventions makes room for change.
6 pages., (Special Issue from the 17th International Nitrogen Workshop), Via online Journal, Substantial improvements of agricultural systems are necessary to meet the future requirements of humanity.
However, current agricultural knowledge and information systems are generally not well suited to meet the
necessary improvements in productivity and sustainability. For more effective application of research output,
research producers and research consumers should not be considered as separate individuals in the knowledge
chain but as collaborating partners creating synergy. The current paper investigates the relationships between
scientists and stakeholders and identifies approaches to increase the effectiveness of their communication.
On-farm research has proven to be an effective means of improving exploitation of research output at farm level
because it connects all relevant partners in the process. Furthermore, pilot farms can act as an effective platform
for communication and dissemination. Regional networks of pilot farms should be established and connected
across regions
Mashroofa, Mohamed Majeed (author) and Wathmanel Senevirathne (author)
Conference paper
Publication Date:
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, The Hague, Netherlands.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 84 Document Number: D10847
17 pages., via depository, IFLA Library., Access to information plays crucial role in getting best agricultural products with some other factors such as soil, weather, biochemical products and their application. Several types of information are required by farmers of Sri Lanka for agricultural activities. This study focuses on the relationship of information literacy and the enhanced access to agricultural productivity. Therefore, this research aims to determine the information literacy level of paddy farmers of Ampara district in Sri Lanka in accessing agricultural information and explores how much this support the enhanced agricultural productivity. Stratified random sampling technique was used to select sample paddy farmers of Ampara district. 57 farmers were selected as the sample from all nineteen D.S. divisions of Ampara as three from each division. Survey method was used to collect data for this study. Questionnaire and Interview were used as research instruments. District Officer of Agriculture was interviewed and farmers were administered with questionnaires. Result was analyzed mainly quantitatively by using SPSS and Mini Tab. Qualitative analysis is also carried out. This study resulted that majority respondents preferred verbal communication, print sources and the use of computer and internet is reported poor. Communication gap, poor communication services, lack of libraries, lack of information literacy skills, poor infra structure and inadequate extension services might have caused poor access to information. Department of Agriculture under Central government and Agrarian Services Board under provincial ministry serve to these farmers as much as possible to provide information. However the information received by farmers indicated that it is not to the expected level. Therefore, it is concluded that government and local authorities should develop the existing services, information and communication systems to facilitate the farmers to access relevant information on time in order to gain best agricultural productivity. Though the perception of farmers indicates that they are information literate, facts and information related to format, mode and sources they preferred shows that these farmers are not much skilled on information literacy. This study recommends educating the farmers on access to information. Information Literacy should be taught to the farmers from the grass root level.
International: Office of International Program, College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 188 Document Number: D01445
Heikkila, Anna-Maija (author), Myyra, Sami (author), and Pietola, Kyosti (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 186 Document Number: D00916
Factor Markets Project, Comparative analysis of factor markets for agriculture across the member states, Working Paper No. 32, European Union. 18 pages.
14 pages, Price dispersion across markets is common in developing countries. Using novel market and trader-level data, this paper provides estimates of the impact of mobile phones on price dispersion across grain markets in Niger. The introduction of mobile phone service between 2001 and 2006 explains a 10 to 16 percent reduction in grain price dispersion. The effect is stronger for market pairs with higher transport costs. (JEL O13, O33, Q11, Q13)
8 pages., Special issue. Online via open access., Using evidence in existing literature, authors created an economic model to predict the impact of obesity on the aggregate lifetime earnings for the Millennium Generation and the consequences for employers and employees. They proposed a common health framework to business strategies to contain costs and maximize Millennial workers' health and productivity.
4 pages., Via online journal., Raising the productivity of smallholders
is a necessary condition for increasing incomes and
improving livelihoods among the rural poor in most
developing countries. This increased productivity is
essential to both household food security and to
agriculture-based growth and poverty reduction in the larger
economy. Smallholder productivity is limited by a variety of
constraints including poor soils, unpredictable rainfall,
and imperfect markets, as well as lack of access to
productive resources, financial services, or infrastructure.
Information and communication technologies (ICT) are also
vitally important to commercial and large-scale agriculture,
and to agriculture-related services and infrastructure such
as weather monitoring and irrigation. This note focuses on
the sometimes less-obvious importance of ICT in improving
the information, communication, transaction, and networking
elements of smallholder agriculture in developing countries.
Ubbenga, Krista Joy (author) and University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 176 Document Number: C30289
Submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Agricultural and Consumer Economics, University of Illinois. 145 pages., Results suggest that farmers' yield estimates are fairly accurate.
Esfahani, Latifeh Pour Mohammad Badher (author), Asadiyeh, Zahra Shojaei (author), and Faculty of Engineering, University of Shahrekord, Shahrekord, Iran
School of Agriculture, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran
conference papers
Publication Date:
International: IEEE - Inst. Electrical Electronics Engineers Inc.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 163 Document Number: D08177
Article number 5454875, pp. 3528-3531, 1st International Conference on Information Science and Engineering, ICISE2009; Nanjing; China; 26 December 2009 through 28 December 2009; Category numberE3887; Code 80401
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 198 Document Number: D09670
Warwick Economic Research Paper No. 744, Department of Economics, University of Warwick, England. 13 pages., Findings suggest caution in assessing research quality on the basis of journal prestige ratings.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 150 Document Number: C24339
Journal Title Details:
James J. Connors of The Ohio State University edited the proceedings., 12 p. Paper presented at the International Agricultural and Extension Education group's 21st annual conference May 25-31, 2005, in San Antonio, TX