Huang, Pei-wen (author) and Lamm, Alexa J. (author)
Research report
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 161 Document Number: D07890
Center for Public Issue Education in Agriculture and Natural Resources, IFAS, University of Florida, Gainesville. Engaging high water users in water conservation #3. Publication AEC 595. 5 pages.
Freeman, Chester B. (author), Ward, William B. (author), Russell, Charles C. (author), and Spencer, John F. (author)
Research report
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 192 Document Number: D03135
Communication Research Bulletin 4, Department of Extension Teaching and Information, Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca. 32 pages., Workers at a National Cash Register plant in Ithaca, New York, express need for information about subjects in which the Colleges of Agriculture and Home Economics are working.
11 pages., via online journal, A survey was conducted in six cities in the western United States whose electric utilities practice directional pruning for line clearance. Recipients’ knowledge of and attitudes about tree care practices and issues, utility pruning, directional pruning for line clearance, and effects of a simple brochure about utility pruning were determined. Respondents cared a great deal about landscape trees but had not thought much about utility pruning. They felt that utility pruners care most about keeping lines clear but care less about the trees, that companies are poor at explaining pruning to the public, and slightly disagree that large trees should be removed and replaced with small trees under lines. Those who had thought a lot about utility pruning were less trusting of those who do the pruning. The brochure increased trust of utility pruning personnel and the perception that they care about trees and greatly increased agreement that those personnel are highly trained professionals. Preference for topping over directional pruning was reduced by receiving a brochure, although topping still was preferred. Most supported line burial and were willing to pay higher rates for burial. Several recommendations are suggested for utilities and researchers, including the need for utilities placing an increased emphasis on communication with the public regarding these matters.
13 pages, During the 1990s, within the context of "corporate greening," New Zealand experienced exponential growth in organic farming and the institutionalising of a former fringe farming subculture. Organic farming practices, however, often result in landscapes that differ from those produced by the application of long-standing conventional land management systems. The resulting aesthetic poses a threat to the landscape tastes and senses of place of conservative farming communities. In this article we portray how social beliefs and practices find symbolic expression in the landscape, how they influence sense of place, and how their associated values are challenged by changes in traditional dominant landscapes.