2 pages., Posted online February 12, 2020., Brief news item announces that during December farm broadcaster Orion Samuelson (WGN Radio, Chicago, IL, and "This Week in Agri-Business" television program) marked his 45th year of doing a live year-end TV-radio interview with the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture. It was conducted, as traditionally, in the office of the USDA Secretary in Washington, D.C.
3 pages., Online via publisher., Describes how she and her associates are adjusting their farm reporting activities to report remotely during restrictions caused by the current COVID-19 pandemic. Cites challenges of reporting on economic and social impacts with which farm families are dealing.
Author emphasizes the value of farm broadcasters in sharing information about the numerous initiatives supported by the agricultural organizations such as the American Soybean Association.
USA: National Association of Farm Broadcasting, Platte City, Missouri
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 166 Document Number: D11678
2 pages., Online from publisher., Brief summary of responses to a non-probability email survey among U.S. farmers and ranchers regarding COVID-19 and its ramifications on their livelihoods and farm-radio listening habits. Findings indicated that respondents "are listening to farm radio during the pandemic for timely, accurate news. Responses averaged 8.7-8.8 (scale of 1 [poor] to 10 [excellent] in terms of timeliness, accuracy and credibility of farm broadcaster delivering farm news, weather, markets and ag information.
Online via UI Library Catalog search. 10 pages., Findings of a survey among a sample of 100 farmers in District Sargodha revealed 99% used agricultural radio/TV/FM, 96% used mobile phones, 66% used magazines/newspapers/periodicals, and 61% used social media. Respondents placed highest value on enhancing their productivity.
2 pages., Online from publisher., Describes how he and his associates are adjusting their farm reporting activities during restrictions and impacts of the current COVID-19 pandemic.