Nomination form and submission materials for 2004 APA Illinois Chapter Annual Awards.
2004 Award Honorable Mention: Plan
INcluded are submission material for the 2004 ILAPA Awards Program, maps and final report.
Nomination form and submission materials for 2003 APA Illinois Chapter Annual Awards.
2003 Award Winner: Plan Implementation
Included with master plan: ILAPA 2003 Awards Program Nomination Form (nominator: Ed Crow); submission materials, copies of newspaper articles, and a brochure "Chateau Island: A Place Apart."
Nomination form and submission materials for 2002 APA Illinois Chapter Annual Awards.
2002 Award Honorable Mention: Plan
2002 Illinois Chapter Annual Awards Nomination Form attached to a packet of materials. Nominator: Tyson Warner. Materials include: formal nomination letter (April 4, 2002); Land Resource Management Plan Update: Activities Summary (April 2002 brochure); Policy Gateway; Forms & Concepts Handbook; Open Space Element; Will County Land Resource Management Plan: Issues White Paper (March 6, 2001); Will County Land Resource Management Plan: Community Participation Summary to Date (March 9, 2001); Will County Land Resource Management Plan: Open Space Inventory and Analysis (March 5, 2001); Will County Land Resource Management Plan: Development Demand and Capacity Analysis (March 2, 2001).