Extension and Advisory Services (EAS) are delivered by millions of extension professionals representing the public, private and civil society located across the globe and have been helping in addressing farmers’ needs over the years, including during COVID-19 pandemic situation. However, public sector has been a major agency dealing with EAS in India and is facing several challenges and constraints to fulfil the demands of farmers on
timely basis. The challenge today is to change the organizational culture to incorporate innovation as a core value and to institutionalize the emerging paradigms. Further, different strategies and measures need to be taken to ensure timely and quality EAS by reorienting extension priorities in such emergency situations and later too. In this context, an effort to review the extension mechanism across India and also has focused on reorienting extension priorities post COVID-19 scenario. The study has highlighted on strengthening extension and feedback mechanism, improving research-extension linkages, capacity building, public-private partnership
(PPP), developing infrastructure, mass media support and use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) etc. to improve the efficiency as the time demands. The paper concludes that reorienting extension
priorities is very essential with a vast network of various stakeholders by adapting effective approaches like utilization of social media, human resource development, PPP, farmer groups etc. during and post pandemic
scenario. Further, empirical efforts are also needed to develop reliable, location-specific, participatory, gender-sensitive and inexpensive extension methodologies and materials to meet the demands during such crisis.
Further, developing countries like India have to invest in terms of various resources like financial, human resource etc. for promoting higher productivity and sustainability through EAS.
Carmenta, Rachel (author), Coomes, David A. (author), DeClerck, Fabrice A.J. (author), Hart, Abigail K. (author), Harvey, Celia A. (author), Milder, Jeff (author), Reed, James (author), Vira, Bhaskar (author), and Estrada-Carmona, Natalia (author)
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 132 Document Number: D11357
Online via open access., Researchers gathered survey data on 104 integrated landscape initiatives (ILIs) within Latin America and the Caribbean jurisdictions of Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the Dominican Republic. Findings suggested four distinct strategies existed, two of which were only weakly integrated and another two of which were more ambitiously attempting integration, engaging more sectors and scales of governance, and targeting the structural barriers to sustainability.
Broughton, Duncan (author) and Win, Su Su (author)
Research summary
Publication Date:
Myanmar: Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics, Michigan State University, East Lansing.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 166 Document Number: D11673
7 pages., Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Security Policy, Research Paper 131, Burma Food Security Policy Project (FSPP)., Analysis revealed that Myanmar has one of the smallest, most underfunded agricultural research systems in Southeast Asia. It is cited as having critical gaps in research capacity, an agricultural research capacity that is highly fragmented, weak linkages between research and extension at local level, and lack of overall strategy for development of agricultural research and extension. Strong economic justification was cited for higher rates of investment in agricultural research, along with recommendations for action.
22 pages., via online journal., The community engagement professional (CEP) plays a critical role in engaging faculty, staff, and students with communities. In order to do this in the most effective way, this essay advocates
for CEPs to become familiar with the Cooperative Extension system and develop competency for engaging Extension personnel, even when those personnel are not a part of the CEP’s home institution. The essay extends the work of Dostilio et al. (2017) on preliminary competencies for the community engagement professional by identifying additional competencies, organized as knowledge, skill, and dispositions, that can help CEPs work with the Cooperative Extension system to maximize engagement opportunities for faculty, staff, and students. This essay also includes ideas for implementing competency training for CEPs. Conclusions include thoughts on preparing the community engagement professional to learn and collaborate with Cooperative Extension to enrich the academic experience and benefit the communities they serve.
Available online at www.centmapress.org, This study distinguished five categories of inter-organizational network relations: very strong operational, strong sustainable, moderate social, weak innovative and very weak shared resources. The studied networks were characterized by strong activity and actor ties and weak resources bonds. "Specifically, the lack of shared resources might negatively influence the networks innovation and sustainable in the future."
3 pages., via website,Ryerson Review of Journalism., On November 16, the RRJ published a piece on CBC’s Johanna Wagstaffe and the audience reaction to reporting on climate change. This week, we interview CBC’s Asia correspondent, Saša Petricic, on what factors he considers when reporting on natural disasters.
12 pages., Online via UI electronic subscription, Analysis of five cases of peak social media activity in the Dutch livestock sector. Findings indicated that social media hypes revolved around activism, scandals, and conflicts - each with characteristic patterns of activity, framing, interaction and media interplay. "Our results show the need to adopt a proactive and interactive approach that transcends the view of social media as a mere communication channel to respond in crisis situations."
Walker, Lain (author), Leviston, Zoe (author), McCrea, Rod (author), Price, Jennifer (author), and Greenhill, Murni (author)
Book chapter
Publication Date:
International: CSIRO Publishing, Clayton South, Victoria, Australia
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 18 Document Number: D10514
217 pages., Pages 161-176 in Heinz Schandl and Lain Walker (eds.), Social science and sustainability. CSIRO Publishing, Clayton South, Victoria,Australia. 2017. 217 pages.