Carr, Chad (author), Abrams, Katie (author), Roberts, Grady (author), Philipps, Kylie (author), Velinsky, Victoria (author), Eubanks, Larry (author), Scheffler, Jason (author), and Johnson, Dwain (author)
Journal article
Publication Date:
United States: Extension Journal, Inc.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 203 Document Number: D12301
11 pages, Massive open online courses (MOOCs) offer a unique platform through which Extension can provide valuable education. We explored The Meat We Eat, a MOOC designed to create a more informed meat consumer and increase perceptions of transparency surrounding meat production. Compared to pretest respondents (n = 490), students who completed the posttest (n = 226) had an improved attitude toward meat and slaughter, an improved perception of the meat industry’s transparency, and increased knowledge. These findings suggest the relevance and value of MOOCs as Extension activities for improving knowledge and attitudes toward animal agriculture and other topics.
Online from publication. 3 pages., Editorial highlights the inaccuracies in a Burger King television advertisement that repeats misleading claims and data about the role of beef and dairy production in greenhouse gas emissions that harm climate.
10 pages, Animal production system and welfare conditions can influence consumers’ acceptance, as meat from animals grazing in natural pasture and labelled with information about high standards of welfare is preferred. In addition, geographical origin of food is recently considered one of the main information influencing the consumers’ acceptance. Local products are collectively associated with high quality attributes by the consumers related to shorter transport and good welfare. Lamb meat is considered local and typical food; however, it is common to find in the same market both local and imported lamb meat. The present investigation aimed at understanding the importance of information about geographical origin, transport duration, and welfare condition of lambs for consumers and their actual liking. Moreover, the quality of lamb meat from local and imported animals as affected by short or long transport was assessed. Data demonstrated that both short and long transport did not affect organoleptic quality of meat; this result was corroborated by an absence of both metabolic and immune stressors in long term transport lambs except for haptoglobin, cortisol and glucose. However, the expected and actual acceptability were affected by the information with higher scores for local lamb when information on the geographical origin, transport duration, and welfare condition was provided to the consumers.
23 pages., via online journal, Cultured meat has yet to reach store shelves but is nonetheless a growing issue for consumers, producers, and government regulators, many of whom have taken to social media to discuss it. Using a conceptual framework of social cognitive theory and issues management, this qualitative content analysis investigated social-media discourse surrounding the topic of cultured meat in the United States by describing the content of the discussion in late 2018 and identifying individual influencers and communities of influencers engaged in the discussion. Data were collected from Twitter using listening platform Sysomos MAP. The thematic analysis revealed eight themes: legality and marketing, sustainability, acceptance, business, animal concerns, science and technology, health concerns, and timeline, and indicated that conflicting views and questions about cultured meat exist among conversation participants. Top influencers included philanthropists, government officials, journalists and writers, and animal-welfare advocates. These influencers were grouped into four distinct communities based on interactions with each other and other users. The topics identified in the analysis provide insight into ways in which communicators can enter these conversations, and influencer communities represent groups of users whose broad reach could more easily transmit pro-agriculture messages.
USA: International Food Information Council Foundation, Washington, D.C.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 124 Document Number: D11194
3 pages., IFIC specialists offer five predictions for 2020, guided by findings from surveys among American consumers in an annual Food and Health Survey, 2012-2019.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 163 Document Number: D11648
15 pages., Paper presented at the 2018 conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE), July 28-August 2, 2018, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada., Author develops a theoretical model that helps provide a better understanding of the effect of hostile marketing and advertisement strategies on competition involving meat. Findings suggest that negatively influencing consumers' perceptions of rivals' products may be a more effective marketing tool than the "beggar-thy-neighbor" advertising where one firm steals some market share from the rivals by means of positive promotion of its own product.
USA: Center for Food Integrity, Gladstone, Missouri.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 201 Document Number: D11707
2 pages., Online from publisher., Examines a period of meat shortages in stores - and headlines about pork and poultry farmers having to euthanize entire barns of animals. "Helping consumers understand the supply chain disruption and impacts may seem daunting, but the key is to keep it simple and engage on the shared values of safe food and a commitment to the highest standards of animal care."