7 pages, This study was carried out to determine the fish farming practices, development and constraints among fish farmers in Ibi Local Government Area (LGA), Taraba State, Nigeria. A sampling frame was drawn from the list of 740 fish farmers registered with the Department of Fisheries and Forestry, Ibi LGA, Taraba State. A multistage stratified design was used for selecting the respondents for the study. The first stage involved stratification of the Local Government into Districts (Sarkin Kudu, Dampar and Ibi). The second stage was selection based on the prevalence of fish farmers in the districts. The third stage involved random selection of 90, 69 and 63 (30%) fish farmers from each district to obtain a sample size of 222 respondents. Data from the study were collected through structured questionnaire and scheduled interview administered to the respondents. Data were analyzed using descriptive (frequency distribution and percentages) and inferential (non parametric test at coefficient of 0.116 and p-value of < 0.05) statistics. Results show that concrete tanks were mostly used by fish farmers (35.0%) and sourced fingerlings for stocking through personal hatchery (34.9%), practiced poly culture (58.90%) and monoculture techniques (56.50%). The culture system was predominantly intensive (90.0%), Clarias spp were cultured (68.9%) and fed on imported floating feed (72.0%). The major constraints to fish production are inadequate infrastructure, high cost of inputs, poor quality of fish seed and poor extension services on fish farming. The study recommends that the Government should grant import duty waiver on fish farming inputs and monitor the implementation so that the policy can benefit intending and existing fish farmers. Efforts should be intensified on different areas of fish farming development.