7 pages., via online journal., The study was aimed at determining women farmers' agricultural information needs and accessibility, using Apa local government area of Benue State as a case study. A sample size of 70 women farmers was initially taken for the study but only data for 65 respondents were analyzed. Simple random sampling technique was used for the sample selection and questionnaire was used to elicit information from the respondents. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. The result showed highest information needs in the areas of pesticides and fertilizer applications and improved farm implements. Husbands, fellow women and mass media were the main sources of agricultural information to women farmers and accessibility of information from these sources was relatively high. Age, educational level and income of women farmers showed significant relationships with their accessibility to agricultural information at 5% level of significance. It is recommended that enough information should be provided in the needed areas and women adult literacy and economic empowerment programmes should be given serious attention to enhance their access to needed agricultural information.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 161 Document Number: D07895
In the e-book: Kerry J. Byrnes, Giants in their realms: close encounters of the celebrity kind. Posted on the website of Okemos High School Alumni, Okemos, Michigan. 8 pages.
12 pages., via online journal., Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) usage in Nigeria has gone a long way but
despite its existence, there seems to exist limited access and utilisation of the technologies
among farmers in south-East Nigeria. Consequent upon this, the study analysed the access and
application of information and communication technology (ICT) among farmers of South East
farmers, Nigeria. Multi-stage sampling technique was employed in selection of 240 Farmers for
the study. Primary data were collected with the aid of a well-structured questionnaire. Descriptive
statistics were employed to achieve objectives i, ii, and iii. The result of the analysis showed that
62.50% of farmers were males and married (84.17%) with average household size of 7 persons.
Also, majority (45.42%) of the farmers completed primary education. Further analysis revealed
that although many ICT facilities exist; radio, television and phones sourced personally from open
market were the most readily available ICT facilities owned, accessed, and utilized by most
farmers. Consequently, the level of access and utilization of these facilities were found to be
generally low among the respondents as the mean access (1.2) and utilisation (1.8). The result
further showed that information on physical farm measurement (2.6), how to estimate farm output
(2.7), new varieties of seeds and seedling (x=2.6), best planting techniques (x=2.6) and use of
fertilizer (x = 2.8) were the identified major areas extension agents applied ICTs in facilitating
agricultural activities by extension agents as use of fertilizer (x = 2.5) was the major area ICTs
facilitated agricultural activities for the farmers. Based on the findings, the study recommended
the strengthening of the use of contemporary ICTs (phones, internet, etc.) rather than
conventional ICTs such as radio and television, provision of adequate training on the use of ICTs
for farmers, and extension agents and other agricultural stakeholders.
13 pages., Via online journal., This study examined adoption of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) by
agricultural science and extension teachers in Abuja, Nigeria. Specifically, the objectives are to:
identify the background and demographic characteristics of agricultural science and extension
teachers in the study area; examine the factors influencing adoption of ICTs by respondents and
determine the challenges or constraints militating against adoption of ICTs by respondents in the
study area. Data were collected from 60 purposively selected agricultural science and extension
teachers in the study area. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics SPSS 19.0, Likert scale,
t-test and Logit model. Ages, teachers’ experience, access to ICTs were significant factors
influencing adoption of ICTs by respondents at 1% probability level. Teachers’ attitude, teachers’
awareness significantly influences adoption of ICTs by respondents at 5% probability level. Word
processors are perceived useful in setting tests and examination question papers, while, photocopy
machine was perceived ease to use to make copies of teaching materials. Access to appropriate
ICTs equipment and lack of infrastructure such as irregular electricity supply are the major
challenges. The study recommends easy access, awareness and use of ICTs by instructors and
regular supply of electricity to improve and stimulates adoption of ICTs by respondents.
The International Association of Agricultural Information Specialists (IAALD)
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 102 Document Number: D10917
14 pages., via IAALD website., The study determined farmers’ adoption of Organic agricultural technologies disseminated via radio
farmer agricultural Extension programme in Imo state, Nigeria. An interview schedule was used to
collect data from a sample of 200 farmers. Results show that radio farmer broadcast and co-farmers
were the major sources of information to greater proportion of the farmers. Data on relevance of the
organic agricultural technologies disseminated showed that almost all the technologies were perceived
to be relevant except the use of biological pest control farming. The radio farmer agricultural
programme enhanced the extent of adoption of organic agricultural technologies namely; crop rotation
practice, planting of indigenous varieties, application of compost, mulching of crops, intercropping,
mixed cropping, crop residues, animal manuring, planting of legumes, green manure, off farm organic
waste, minimum tillage and alley cropping. Nevertheless, the adoptions of the technologies were
generally low. Age, farming experience and social participation significantly influenced adoption of
organic agricultural technologies disseminated via radio farm agricultural Extension programme. Major
constraints identified include short duration of programme, inappropriate scheduling of programme,
inability to ask relevant questions and get feed back from the radio presenter. The study recommends
among other things the rescheduling of the radio programme to very late in the evenings when the
farmers will be opportune to listen to the programme.