- Collection:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center (ACDC)
- Contributers:
- Alcock, Rowan (author)
- Format:
- Journal article
- Publication Date:
- 2019
- URL:
- https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2019.03.024
- Published:
- China
- Location:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 25 Document Number: D10538
- Journal Title:
- Ecological Economics
- Journal Title Details:
- 161 : 261-269
- Subject Term:
- case studies, development, environment, environmental quality, research needs, rural development, rural-urban communication, rural-urban differences, theory, social movements, stability, peri-urban, lifestyle, China, Hong Kong SAR (Eastern Asia), democracy, stability framework, cultural value, degrowth, back to the land, and constancy
- Notes:
- Case study examines abolishment of economic growth as a dimension of sustainable development.