4 pages., Via online journal., Interactive web-based questions were developed for students to review
subject matter learned in an online plant propagation course. Articulate Storyline
software was used to build nearly 250 review questions with five different testing
styles to ascertain proficiency in subject areas, including the biology of propagation,
the propagation environment, seed propagation, vegetative propagation, micropropagation, and cell culture. Questions were arranged to correspond to the
supporting textbook chapters in Hartmann and Kester’s Plant propagation: Principles and practices, ninth edition. These are open access and available to instructors
and students worldwide. Users received immediate feedback for each question
answered correctly or incorrectly. The system remembers where one leaves off,
which enables starting and stopping multiple times within a chapter. Means of preand posttest responses to nine content knowledge items showed that students
perceived a significant content knowledge gain in the course. These online interactive reviews can be adapted easily to other courses in a variety of fields,
including horticulture, botany, systematics, and biology. They can also be expanded
to overlay multiple objects and trigger events based on user response. Since inception,
the website hosting these online reviews averaged 156 unique visitors per month.
Students have reported this to be a useful tool to prepare them for course exams.