- Collection:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center (ACDC)
- Contributers:
- Chandran, Ram (author), Blisard, Noel (author), Blayney, Don (author), and Allshouse, Jane (author)
- Format:
- Report
- Publication Date:
- 1999-02
- URL:
- http://www.ers.usda.org/publications/TB1873
- Published:
- USA: Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C.
- Location:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 179 Document Number: C35946
- Subject Term:
- advertising, commodity promotion, dairy, economics of information, education effects, promotion, trends, value of information, cheese, and milk
- Notes:
- Technical Bulletin 1873. 44 pages.