James F. Evans Collection, Ham, Mimeographed, 1994. 1 p. Presented at the Society for Nutrition Education, Portland, OR, July 16-20, 1994., Food safety and quality has become a much publicized issue with emphasis on the responsibility of farmers, processors/packers, and foodservice; however, the majority of foodborne disease is a direct result of improper handling at home. Older children are becoming more responsible for food purchasing and preparation. Surveys reveal that 73% of teenagers do grocery shopping for the family, and 33% prepare at least four meals a week for themselves and others. Employment trends indicate that children will become even more responsible for food buying and preparation. A collaborative effort between Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service and Kentucky Extension Homemakers Association volunteers, encourages preschool children to learn and increase their knowledge and practice of food safety so that these techniques become part of their routine. A story and a flipchart describing food safety concerns appropriate for young children was developed. The story asks the question, "Why did I get sick?" This question serves as the evaluation for learning by asking it before and after the explanatory flipchart is presented. Evaluation of practice will be made by an additional contact with the preschool children at a later date.