10 pages, The main objectives of this research are to assess the educational and training requirements of farmers in Al-Ta’mim governorate in the field of using and maintaining the center pivot sprinkler irrigation systems and identifying the differences between these requirements according to some independent factors. The research sample consisted of 142 farmers representing 60% of the total number of farmers who were using these systems. The data was collected through a questionnaire form and utilizing the Borich equation. After testing the validity and reliability of the questionnaire, the data acquisition commenced through personal interview, the data then were analyzed by using analysis of variance and step-wise regression analysis. The results showed that 94% of farmers require medium to high levels of education and training and that there are significant differences in these requirements according to: educational level, number of months of utilizing the system, annual income, size of holding, and communication level with information sources. Yet, there are no significant differences according to readiness to change and social norms. It is also found that the (number of months of utilizing the system) is the most contributing factor in the interpretation of the variance of the educational and training requirements.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C29853
Pages 271-290 in Adam Lindgreen, Martin K. Hingley and Joelle Vanhamme (eds.), The crisis of food brands: sustaining safe, innovative and competitive food supply. Gower Publishing Limited, Surrey, England. 352 pages.
Wirastuti, Dewi (author), Luckin, Rose (author), Sheriff, Ray E. (author), Walker, Kevin (author), Underwood, Josh (author), and Dunckley, Lynne (author)
Conference paper
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 101 Document Number: D10883
8 pages., Fifth IEEE International Conference on Wireless, Mobile, and Ubiquitous Technology in Education., via online journal., This paper presents an innovative application of wireless, mobile and ubiquitous technologies to support informal and collaborative learning in Kenyan rural farming communities. Such an approach is achieved by the development of a knowledge management system (KMS) integrated with existing local community communication channels, together with experimental knowledge management (KM) initiatives employing the VeSeL (Village e-Science for Life) distributed resource kits (DRKs). The initiatives support illiterate and semi-literate farming community groups, in learning new agriculture practices, and also enable the use of advanced digital technology to improve their agricultural practices and literacy levels. Results of a recent field trip to Kenya are presented and an application sketch is developed. The process of applying wireless and Internet technologies for the education of local farming communities, using irrigation and water management as the application, concludes the paper.
Journal currently known as: Crop and Pasture Science, Via CSIRO Journals., There is considerable potential for seasonal to inter-annual climate forecasts derived from dynamic models of the earth’s climate to be used widely to help improve management of important real-world issues in a variety of different areas (e.g. disaster management, agriculture, water management, health, natural resource management, food security, and insurance). Unfortunately, several factors currently inhibit this potential, e.g. low skill, low awareness, mismatches in what model forecasts can provide and what users need, and the complexity and probabilistic nature of the information provided. Substantial effort around the world is currently directed towards reducing these impediments. For example, climate model development continues behind the scenes, and techniques such as multi-model ensemble forecasting are progressing rapidly. Communication strategies that enable probabilistic information to be communicated more effectively have been developed and exciting developments such as the emergence of the Argo float program have dramatically improved our ability to initialise forecast systems. We can also look forward to greater computing power in the future, which will allow us to increase the resolution of the models used to perform forecasts. Research on the integration of climate forecasts with risk-management tools more useful to managers is also occurring.
The great potential for much wider use of climate model forecasting cannot be denied. However, it will only be realised if models continue to be developed further, if climatic variability continues to be closely monitored from the surface, the atmosphere, the ocean, and from space, and if these data are made readily available to the research community.
20 pages., Via online newsletter article., This paper describes the challenges of decentralisation and privatisation of rural services from the perspective of
communication strategy development. The wave of decentralisation and privatisation in rural services worldwide creates challenges for rural communities, service providers and local governments. Local organisations – both in government and civil society – are confronted with rules and procedures that are unprecedented. The new roles require significant changes in attitudes, skills, and especially a new level of accountability. While communication strategies are only a part of the transformation, they are strategic tools that merit attention. This is an account of two cases where the authors have been involved in developing communication strategies aimed specifically at helping stakeholders make this transition. The first is the case of the Communication and Information Strategy for the National Agricultural Advisory Services Programme (NAADS) of Uganda. The second is the formulation of a plan to communicate the National Water Policy (NWP) and Rural Water Transition Plan in Mozambique. The paper concludes with some design principles for other strategies and with a review of the importance of communication research and planning.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 196 Document Number: D08053
John L. Woods Collection, Water-related communications plan as part of the Institutional Development Services for Secondary Cities Project in Egypt. Provided by Chemonics International, Inc., Washington, D. C. and submitted to the U. S. Agency for International Development in Cairo, Egypt. 10 pages,
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 196 Document Number: D08051
John L. Woods Collection, Water-related communications analysis as part of the Institutional Development Services for Secondary Cities Project in Egypt. Provided by Chemonics International, Inc., Washington, D. C. and submitted to the U. S. Agency for International Development in Cairo, Egypt. 11 pages.