Erickson, Bruce (author) and Lowenberg-DeBoer, James (author)
Survey report
Publication Date:
USA: Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 32 Document Number: D10589
20 pages., Via online - Power Point presentation. Summarizes retail dealers' adoption of precision technologies in agriculture, 1997-2017., The CropLife/Purdue University precision dealer survey is the longest-running continuous survey of precision farming adoption. The 2017 survey is the 18th, conducted every year from 1997 to 2009, and then every other year following. Major sections of the survey include precision technologies used by the retailers within their business/on their equipment, the adoption rates of precision products and services offered by retailers to customers, the dealer’s estimation of the acres in their area where farmers are using precision practices, and questions about profitability, technology investment, and constraints to adoption.
The 2017 survey shows substantial increases in the adoption of practices that provide data for understanding and managing inter- and intra-field variability. Grid/zone soil sampling, which was being offered by 35 to 57% of dealers in a period stretching from 1999 to 2013, increased to 67% in 2015 and to 78% offering in 2017. Soil EC mapping increased from 19% in 2015 to 31% in 2017, and dealers offering UAV services from 19% to 30%. At the same time variable rate technology (VRT) seeding prescriptions, VRT lime application, and VRT fertilizer application services are up, yet VRT pesticide offerings are down. Seventy eight percent of dealers are using autoguidance for their custom application and 73% are using sprayer section controllers.
December 1 issue via online. 3 pages., Farm Journal Media will purchase Vance's agriculture and produce assets. Vance Publishing is a multimedia company founded in Chicago in 1937.
15 pages., The paper analyses characteristics of vertical relationships of organic supply chains with a specific focus on the processing and retailing sectors. The analysis takes into account different regions of the EU Mediterranean area. Data were collected through interviews using an ad hoc questionnaire. The survey was based on a sample of 306 firms, including processors and retailers. The analysis revealed that a relevant aspect for the processing firms of organic products concerns the guaranteeing of safety and quality levels for the products. The main tools to implement the quality management are based on the adoption of specific production regulations and quality controls. The premium price most frequently applied by processors ranges from 10% to 40% and similar values are revealed for retailers. The diffusion of supply contracts allows the vertical coordination between agriculture and processing firms in the organic supply chains. The main distribution channels for the processing firms are represented by specialised shops in organic products, direct sales and supermarkets.