Posted at, Describes local news coverage in the rural and suburban areas outside Chicago.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C37134
Pages 74-93 in Duncan McGregor, David Simon and Donald Thompson (eds.), The peri-urban interface: approaches to sustainable natural and human resource use. Earthscan, London, England. 336 pages.
Taylor, Jonathan G. (author), Gillette, Shana C. (author), Hodgson, Ronald W. (author), Downing, Judith L. (author), Burns, Michele R. (author), Chavez, Deborah J. (author), and Hogan, John T. (author)
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 146 Document Number: D11574
14 pages., Online from publisher via open access., Researchers studied fire communications during different stages of two wildfires in southern California. Findings revealed that pre-fire communication planning was particularly effective for smaller fire events and parts of that planning proved invaluable for the large fire event as well. Findings also identified information needs of residents.