21 pages, Surging interest in urban agriculture has prompted cities across North America to adopt policies that give gardeners access to publicly owned land. However, if not carefully designed, these policies can exacerbate existing racial inequities. Drawing on theories of urban and environmental justice, we use a contextualized case comparison to explore the radical potential and practical constraints of garden land policies at two distinct institutions: the City of Minneapolis and the independently elected Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board. Based on participant observation, document review, and interviews with a range of policy actors, we argue that what appear to be minor, common-sense policy details systematically shape who benefits from the garden land policies, sometimes in surprising ways. Compared to the City, the Park Board goes substantially further in addressing racial equity. Furthermore, though both cases included public participation, we argue that the more intensive participation during the Park Board policy development process—particularly in determining the details—was pivotal in crafting a policy that reduced barriers to racial equity. The present study contributes to the growing scholarship on urban agriculture and environmental governance and offers concrete insights for actors working toward more just policies.
Loizzo, Jaime (author), Harner, Mary J. (author), Weitzenkamp, Deborah J. (author), Kent, Kevin (author), and University of Florida
University of Nebraska- Kearney
University of Nebraska- Lincoln
Online journal article
Publication Date:
United States: New Prairie Press
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 121 Document Number: D11061
13 pages, via online journal, While institutions of higher education work to engage PK-12 youth in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) concepts and careers via in-person programming, PK-12 teachers and students face many logistical and access constraints for physically traveling to sites off of school grounds during the school day. Throughout the years, electronic field trips (EFTs) have offered a digital way for schools to engage in meaningful ways with museums, parks, laboratories, and field research sites. In order for EFTs to be effective, they should be cost effective and created collaboratively with teachers, students, subject matter experts, and instructional design and communication professionals. Streaming Science is an online science communication platform that aimed to develop and implement an effective EFT model. Three Streaming Science live interactive EFTs webcasted online were piloted from various locations during 2017-2019 to test wireless internet connections, mobile technologies, STEM content, and impacts on students’ interest, attitudes, and learning. The model proved iPads and mobile applications in the field for web streaming were effective for connecting scientists with school audiences. In this professional development article, authors describe the Streaming Science EFT model, including recommendations for instructional design, the pre-production process, content development, teacher collaboration, student engagement, mobile hardware and software, and assessment.
4 pages., Online via publication website., Author addresses a Parks Canada policy that prevented employees from speaking with the media without approval. This follows up on an earlier article, "Parks in the dark," published in The Narwhal and shining "a bright light on how Parks Canada's media relations' practices hinder press freedom."
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 133 Document Number: D11392
25 pages., Via online., "National survey by Pew Research Center, conducted March 27-April 9 among 2,541 adults, finds pockets of partisan agreement over expanding solar and wind power, though wide political divides remain over increasing fossil fuels through such methods as coal mining, hydraulic fracturing and offshore drilling for oil and natural gas, a pattern consistent with a 2016 Pew Research Center survey."
USA: Center for Investigative Reporting, Emoryville, California.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 7 Document Number: D10286
Via online from the "Reveal" section of the Center website. 5 pages., Regional officials of the National Park Service "scrubbed all mentions of climate change from a key planning document for a New England national park after they were warned to avoid "sensitive language that may raise eyebrows."
32 pages., Via online from publisher website., "...there is an ongoing bipartisan push to expand broadband coverage into the corners of the nation where politicians and corporations alike perceive a higher demand, including many protected public lands."
11 pages, Urban parks and green spaces are among the few places where city dwellers can have regular contact with nature and engage in outdoor recreation. Social media data provide opportunities to understand such human–environment interactions. While studies have demonstrated that geo-located photographs are useful indicators of recreation across different spaces, recreation behaviour also varies between different groups of people. Our study used social media to assess behavioural patterns across different groups of park users in tropical Singapore. 4,674 users were grouped based on the location and content of their photographs on the Flickr platform. We analysed how these groups varied spatially in the parks they visited, as well as in their photography behaviour. Over 250,000 photographs were analysed, including those uploaded and favourited by users, and all photographs taken at city parks. There were significant differences in the number and types of park photographs between tourists and locals, and between user-group axes formed from users’ photograph content. Spatial mapping of different user groups showed distinct patterns in the parks they were attracted to. Future work should consider such variability both within and between data sources, to provide a more context-dependent understanding of human–environment interactions and preferences for outdoor recreation.