Cozzarin, Brian (author), Goddard, Ellen W. (author), and Department of Agricultural Economics and Business, University of Guelph;
Conference paper
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 90 Document Number: C06453
James F. Evans Collection; Paper presented at the 1989 Commodity Advertising and Promotion Conference, In: Kinnucan, Henry W.; Thompson, Stanley R.; and Chang, Hui-Shung, eds. Commodity advertising and promotion. Ames, IA : Iowa State University Press, 1992. p. 120-138
12 pages., Online via publication website., Traces the development of the slaughterhouse as a specialized institution through three major periods, beginning in the 18th century. Includes consequences of modern slaughterhouses on cities, small communities, and cultural values, perceptions and tensions.
Chang, Kuo-Liang (author), Elliott, Lisa M. (author), Sand, Shannon (author), Dailey, Rocky (author), and Blachford, Sierra (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 127 Document Number: D02709
Paper presented at the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association 2014 AAEA annual meeting, Minneapolis, MN, July 27-29, 2014. 18 pages., Description of a research project in progress. No results reported, but literature review, conceptual approach and methods described.
USA: Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D08948
Page 6 in Lucinda Crile, Findings from studies of bulletins, news stories, and circular letters. Extension Service Circular 488. Revision of Extension Service Circular 461, which it supersedes. May 1953. 24 pages. Brief description of the author's M.S. thesis, University of Wisconsin, Madison. 1939. 36 pages.
Via online from publisher., Editor addresses a state governor's agenda at the expense of the beef industry, illustrating a continuing "struggle with the divide between urban and rural communities."
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 173 Document Number: C29240
Via Food Safety Network. 1 page., Organization criticizes lack of balance and one-sided reporting in a cover story, " America's food crisis and how to fix it," in Time magazine.