9 pages., Article # 1RIB10, Via online journal., Millennials have different investing knowledge and behaviors than generations in the past. Moreover, as compared to baby boomers, millennials have more debt and less wealth to invest. We used current literature and information collected from Extension educators to explore the values, investing behaviors, learning styles, and loyalty attitudes of millennials. We also examined and evaluated investment resources that had been created or adapted by four Extension faculty members across the nation. A proposed framework with suggestions for future research is provided.
9 pages, The article investigates whether the social network based program (SNP) in villages can encourage learning and adoption of a relatively new cash crop, cotton, to female heads of households. It explains how social network based training program had more significant effects on yields for the poorest performing farmers than the standard training program, and proves that SNP can increase productivity up to 50 percent for farmers producing at the average yield of production.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: KerryByrnes4; Folder: Green Revolution Game File Document Number: D01644
Kerry J. Byrnes Collection, Simulations for teaching and learning,2 pages