Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C36965
Agricultural Publishers Association Records, Series No. 8/3/80, Box 16, 6 pages., APA emphasizes need for gathering current agricultural statistics and reporting them promptly.
30 pages., via online journal., Effective communication requires a good message delivered through an effective channel and received by a receptive individual. When that communication is successful, the result is enhanced credibility and trust between the sender and the receiver. Telling the Extension story effectively requires both relevant, credible data to compose a clear message and appropriate communication channels to deliver the message to various audiences. This article describes the approach taken by Florida Extension to gather better statewide data to improve communication about the impact of its Extension work, primarily through the use of infographics. With credible data, and working together, Extension data analysts and communicators can enhance Extension’s reputation, trust, and support with key stakeholders.
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Geneva, Switzerland.
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 166 Document Number: C27781
Posted in full text. Contains six chapters, each to be retrieved separately: 1. Principles, objectives and management issues in data dissemination. 2. Organizational aspects of dissemination. 3. Methods and tools. 4. Impact of the internet on information dissemination. 5. Learning in each other's classrooms. 6. Handling media crises.
New-Aaron, Moses (author), Semin, Jessica (author), Duysen, Ellen G. (author), Madsen, Murray (author), Musil, Kelsie (author), and Rautiainen, Risto H. (author)
Journal article abstract
Publication Date:
USA: Taylor & Francis
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 25 Document Number: D10537
8 pages., via online journal., The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) publishes annual statistics on occupational injuries and fatalities in the United States. The BLS fatality data include all agricultural workers while the non-fatal injury data only cover hired employees on large farms. In 2012, the Central States Center for Agricultural Safety and Health (CS-CASH) began collecting regional media monitoring data of agricultural injury incidents to augment national statistics. The aims of this report were: a) to compare CS-CASH injury and fatality data collected via print and online sources to data reported in previous studies, and b) to compare fatality data from media monitoring to BLS Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI) data. CS-CASH media monitoring data were collected from a news clipping service and an internet detection and notification system. These data covered years 2012–2017 in seven Midwestern states (Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota). CS-CASH occupational fatality data were compared with aggregate CFOI data for the region during 2012–2015. Media monitoring captured 1048 injury cases; 586 (56%) were non-fatal and 462 (44%) were fatal. The numbers of occupational fatality cases from media monitoring and CFOI were nearly identical (280 vs. 282, respectively), and the distributions by type of injury were similar. Findings suggest that media monitoring can capture equal numbers of fatalities compared to CFOI. Non-fatal injuries, not captured by national surveillance systems, can be collected and tracked using print and electronic media. Risk factors, identified in media sources, such as gender, age, time, and source of the incident are consistent with previously reported data. Media monitoring can provide timely access to detailed information on individual cases, which is important for detecting unique and emerging hazards, designing interventions and for setting policy and guiding national strategies.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D08868
Pages 215-256 in Ormrod, James S. (ed.), Changing our environment, changing ourselves: nature, labour, knowledge and alienation. United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan UK, London. 315 pages.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 202 Document Number: D12151
Online via AgriMarketing Weekly. 1 page., Data, analytics and technology company DTN acquires a global farm-level data source, Farm Market ID. Both share goals of helping agribusinesses support producers.