Irani, Tracy (author), Ruth, Amanda M. (author), and Muegge, Melissa (author)
Research report
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 143 Document Number: C22250
Available in CD and paper formats., Presentation at conference of the Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life and Human Sciences (ACE), San Antonio, Texas, May 31, 2005. 16 pages.
Evans, Jim (author) and International Federation of Agricultural Journalists.
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 154 Document Number: C25098
3 pages., Third in a special series of professional development features for IFAJ members regarding crisis communicating. Produced through a partnership of IFAJ and the Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, University of Illinois.
22 pages., via online journal., In 2015, Blue Bell Creameries had its first recall in the company’s history. Blue Bell issued a voluntary recall of all of its ice cream products after Listeria was detected and was linked to 10 illnesses that resulted in three deaths. With the theoretical framework of framing and Situational Crisis Communication Theory, the purpose of this study was to explore how this recall was presented in company press releases and news media coverage to determine what crisis communication strategies Blue Bell implemented and how the media presented that information. This study was a content analysis of 23 press releases from Blue Bell and 68 articles from newspapers. The four crisis response strategies, or postures, used as frames were deny, diminish, rebuild, and bolster. This study also examined sources identified in the articles and the topic areas they discussed. The results indicated Blue Bell’s communication efforts were properly and effectively disseminated through the news media to the public. Blue Bell used accommodative crisis communication postures to restore its reputation. Blue Bell was also commonly found as a source in the news stories, which benefitted the company when communicating about the recall to the public. This study provided an examination of crisis communication strategies and reputation management for organizations related to one specific food recall, which should encourage additional studies of these strategies in food and agricultural industries.
Posted at, Author emphasizes courting stakeholders and building alliances strong enough to withstand media attack.
11 pages, Extension is well-positioned to facilitate communication strategies that foster community resilience and disaster recovery, particularly for rural residents. This paper proposes a new approach to post-disaster communication that strengthens rural community capacities in locally and culturally relevant ways. The findings revealed specific post-disaster information needs, preferences for local resources, and communication that encourages resilience through a document analysis and interviews with informants recovering from the 2020 Colorado wildfires. The practical recommendations discussed serve as a starting point for Extension professionals in other areas to consider ways to engage with their communities before, during, and after a disaster.