13 pages., Via online journal., This study examined adoption of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) by
agricultural science and extension teachers in Abuja, Nigeria. Specifically, the objectives are to:
identify the background and demographic characteristics of agricultural science and extension
teachers in the study area; examine the factors influencing adoption of ICTs by respondents and
determine the challenges or constraints militating against adoption of ICTs by respondents in the
study area. Data were collected from 60 purposively selected agricultural science and extension
teachers in the study area. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics SPSS 19.0, Likert scale,
t-test and Logit model. Ages, teachers’ experience, access to ICTs were significant factors
influencing adoption of ICTs by respondents at 1% probability level. Teachers’ attitude, teachers’
awareness significantly influences adoption of ICTs by respondents at 5% probability level. Word
processors are perceived useful in setting tests and examination question papers, while, photocopy
machine was perceived ease to use to make copies of teaching materials. Access to appropriate
ICTs equipment and lack of infrastructure such as irregular electricity supply are the major
challenges. The study recommends easy access, awareness and use of ICTs by instructors and
regular supply of electricity to improve and stimulates adoption of ICTs by respondents.
14 pages., Online via UI e-subscription., Researchers analyzed the co-branding between the United Nations and the urban centers that are successful in becoming UNESCO Creative Cities of Gastronomy. "Cities with this status have the potential to generate benefits from enhanced brand image, with associated economic and social rewards. However, it requires ongoing investment to create awareness among potential tourists and investors and in the development of enhanced pride and coordination among city residents and businesses."
Abstract and citation available online via EbscoHost.com. 1 page., Introduces the UNESCO Public Library Manifesto, serving as the gateway to equitable information services to all.