5 pages., Via online magazine., Winner of the 2017 Borlaug cast communication award, Jayson Lusk, shares the three challenges he sees in effectively communicating with the general public as well as some potential solutions.
2 pages., Posted online February 12, 2020., Brief news item announces that during December farm broadcaster Orion Samuelson (WGN Radio, Chicago, IL, and "This Week in Agri-Business" television program) marked his 45th year of doing a live year-end TV-radio interview with the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture. It was conducted, as traditionally, in the office of the USDA Secretary in Washington, D.C.
25 pages, The 2020 growing season presented new and significant challenges for farmers and farms across the United States as they navigated the COVID-19 pandemic. The rich and diverse agricultural landscape of Washington State offers a valuable microcosm in which to explore the experiences of farms in the U.S. during the pandemic. The purpose of this study was to qualitatively assess the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on directly marketing small farms in western Washington State, with a focus on farmers’ experiences with resilience. We conducted in-depth, semi-structured interviews with 15 farmers and used thematic analysis to explore the influence of the pandemic on overall experiences, responses, and values and perceptions related to small farms. Interviewees provided insights on the impacts of the pandemic on their daily farm operations, production costs, marketing channels, demand, and revenue. Farmers also reported shifting personal and public attitudes towards small farms during the pandemic. Product diversity, flexibility, multiple forms of support, values, and access to resources emerged as drivers of COVID-19 impacts and farm adaptations. When compared to existing frameworks on farm resilience, farms in this study are seen to demonstrate resilience via buffer and adaptive capabilities, which enable them to absorb and adjust to shocks. Farmers also discussed resilience via transformative capability, the potential to create new systems, leveraging the collective power of small farms to shape future food systems. Future research on the resilience of small farms should focus on ways to both promote resilience attributes and facilitate the ability of farmers to act on resilience capabilities.
USA: Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D08960
Page 21 in Lucinda Crile, Findings from studies of bulletins, news stories, and circular letters. Extension Service Circular 488. Revision of Extension Service Circular 461, which it supersedes. May 1953. 24 pages. Summary of Bulletin 12 (and master's thesis), Department of Agricultural Journalism, University of Wisconsin, Madison. 1942. 16 pages.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 161 Document Number: D07897
In the e-book: Kerry J. Byrnes, Giants in their realms: close encounters of the celebrity kind. Posted on the website of Okemos High School Alumni, Okemos, Michigan. 16 pages.
Online from publication., This report describes a petition by 11 Southeast Alaska Native Tribes to create a "Traditional Homelands Conservation Rule." It is a new strategy in tribal nations' ongoing efforts to hold the federal government to its legal responsibility to consult with them on projects that impact them. It includes case examples of past failures to do so.