Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 1953-1958.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2 v., "It includes what is probably the most reliable version of the Laws of Burgos in print (the comparable text of the New Laws appears, however, only in fragmentary form). It fills lacunae in the details of imperial policies for encomienda, native labor, slavery, cacicazgos, and ethnosocial relationships, especially of the latter sixteenth century." --Charles Gibson (JSTOR)
261 p., Italian painter Agostino Brunias first traveled to the Caribbean sometime around 1770 in the employ of Sir William Young, First Baronet, a British aristocrat who had been charged with overseeing the sale of lands in the islands won by Britain from France at the end of the Seven Years War. Working primarily on the islands of Dominica and St. Vincent, as Young's official painter, Brunias was ostensibly charged with documenting the exotic bounty and diversity of the islands. For roughly the next quarter century, he painted for plantocrats and the colonial elite, creating romanticized tableaux that featured Caribbeans of color--so called "Red" and "Black" Caribs, dark-skinned Africans and Afro-Creoles, and people of mixed race. Examines how the artist's images reflected and refracted ideas about race commonly held by Britons in the colonial Caribbean during the late 18th century.
Deals with two interrelated topics. The first one is the extent to which the rejection of racism has led to a rejection of racial self-identification, and its group-differentiated dimension: for indigenous people in the countries under study, the rejection of racism did lead to a rejection of racial self-identification; for people of African descent, by and large, it did not. The second topic is the extent to which collective action and the political claims voiced by minority groups rely on cultural distinctiveness and, again, its group-differentiated dimension: the paper suggests that for indigenous people, the politicization of culture has been both more extensive and more successful than for people of African descent.
Discusses 1) the concept of blackness in Latin America during the fifteenth century and gives historical background on how the concept of blacks and Indians evolved in Latin America; 2) the social construction of race by West European colonizers in Latin America during the early sixteenth century; and 3) the indigenous concept of blackness among indigenous cultures in latin America.
Miles,Tiya (Author) and Holland,Sharon Patricia (Author)
Book, Whole
Publication Date:
Durham, NC: Duke University Press
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
364 p, "These essays explore the complex cultures, identities, and politics that arise in the space where black and native experiences converge." (Google)
Siss,Ahyas (Editor), Monteiro, Aloisio Jorge de Jesus (Editor), and Cupolillo,Amparo Villa (Editor)
Book, Edited
Publication Date:
Rio de Janeiro: Quartet : EDUR UFFRI
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
191 p., Prefácio / Célia Linhares -- Imprensa alternativa negra, movimento negro e educação brasileira / Ahyas Siss -- Memórias de educação indígena : os jesuítas na construção de uma escola para indios no Brasil / Aloísio Jorge de Jesus Monteiro, Andrea de Lima Ribeiro Sales -- Cultura e corporeidades : perspectivas na formação de professores / Aloísio Jorge de Jesus Monteiro, Amparo Villa Cupolillo, Martha Lenora Queiroz Cupolillo -- Formação interdisciplinar em contextos interculturais / Darci Secchi -- Cinco ideias equivocadas sobre os indios / José Ribamar Bessa Freire -- A Baixada Fluminense na mídia : um olhar do jovem negro / Leila Dupret -- O samba é o dom : notas sobre o samba como fato social total e a educação escolar / Maria Alice Rezende Gonçalves -- Diversidade etnicorracial e o acesso de negros na educação superior na produção científica em Mato Grosso do Sul / Eugenia Portela de Siqueira Marques, Mariluce Bittar -- Diversidade cultural na escola : um estudo sobre o processo de implementação da Lei Federal 10.639/03 no estado de Santa Catarina / Maria Aparecida Clemêncio ... [et al.] -- Mídia cinematográfica, educação e racismo / Roberto Carlos da Silva Borges.