Online via keyword search of UI Library eCatalog., Report of Symposium III, an eight-nation, sea-borne (Danube River) conference hosted by the Ecumenical Patriarchate. It encouraged an increased level of responsibility and social conscience in parishes of the Black Sea region regarding ecological challenges. The symposium developed a 10-point action plan for the future, separate from the activities of the religious communities and based on conclusions of working groups.
Herrera, Beatriz (author), Gerster-Bentaya, Maria (author), Tzouramani, Irene (author), Knierim, Andrea (author), and University of Hohenheim
Agricultural Economics Research Institute
Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research
Journal article
Publication Date:
Germany: Taylor & Francis
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 7 Document Number: D10258
22 pages., Via online journal., Purpose: This study explores the use of advisory services by farm managers and its linkages with the economic, environmental and social performance of farms.
Design/methodology/approach: Using cluster analysis we determined groups of farms according to their sustainability performance and explored the correlations between contacts with advisory services and a set of farm-level sustainability indicators.
Findings: There exist significant differences in the number of farmers’ contacts with advisory services across countries, type of farms, farmers’ degree of agricultural education, utilized agricultural area, legal type of farm ownership and economic size of the farms. We identified three groups of farms that have different sustainability performance, are different in farm characteristics and relate differently to advisory services. The number of contacts with advisory services is positively related to the adoption of innovations, the number of information sources utilized and the adoption of farm risk management measures. We find no clear linear relationship between advisory services and environmental sustainability.
Theoretical implications: This study derives hypotheses to analyze causalities between indicators of farm-level sustainability and advisory services.
Practical implications: Results suggest the importance of taking into account the heterogeneity of farming systems for the design, targeting and evaluation of advisory services. In addition, results confirm the importance of selection of indicators that can be used in multiple sites.
Originality/value: We used a harmonized indicator of advisory services and a harmonized set of farm-level sustainability indicators in nine different EU countries that could be used to evaluate the role of advisory services in the achievement of multiple objectives in different groups of farms in multiple sites.
Busse, M. (author), Schwerdtner, W. (author), Siebert, R. (author), Doemberg, A. (author), Kuntosch, A. (author), König, B. (author), and Bokelmann, W. (author)
Journal article
Publication Date:
Germany: Elsevier
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 161 Document Number: D07796
9 pages., Via online journal., Surgical piglet castration without pain relief has been banned in organic farming in the EU since the beginning of 2012. Alternative methods therefore need to be implemented that improve animal welfare and solve the underlying problem of boar taint. This paper explores German organic consumers' preferences for piglet castration without pain relief and three alternative methods. In an innovative approach using a multi-criteria decision making procedure, qualitative data from focus group discussions were compared with quantitative results from Vickrey auctions. Overall, participants preferred all alternatives to castration without pain relief. Different aspects influenced willingness-to-pay for the methods. Animal welfare was important for the evaluation of castration without pain relief and castration with anesthesia. Food safety played a major role for willingness-to-pay for immunocastration, while taste and, to some extent, animal welfare were dominant factors for fattening of boars. These differences should be considered when communicating the alternatives.
Kumpu, Ville (author) and Kunelius, Risto (author)
Book chapter
Publication Date:
International: Nordicom, Goteborg, Sweden.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D06848
Pages 313-330 in Elisabeth Eide and Risto Kunelius (eds.), Media meets climate: the global challenge for journalism. Nordicom, Goteborg, Sweden. 340 pages.
29 pages., Online via ResearchgGate., This study linked an analysis of media content in five countries to a survey of the authors of articles reported in those countries. "It finds that climate journalism has moved beyond the norm of balance towards a more interpretive pattern of journalism. Quoting contrarian voices still is part of transnational climate coverage, but these quotes are contextualized with a dismissal of climate change denial." Researchers concluded that coverage is overlooking "the more relevant debates about climate change."