Rozenstein, Offer (author), Cohen, Yafit (author), Alchanatis, Victor (author), Behrendt, Karl (author), Bonfil, David J. (author), Eshel, Gil (author), Harari, Ally (author), Harris, W. Edwin (author), Klapp, Iftach (author), Laor, Yael (author), Linker, Raphael (author), Paz-Kagan, Tarin (author), Peets, Sven (author), Rutter, S. Mark (author), Salzer, Yael (author), and Lowenberg-DeBoer, James (author)
Journal article
Publication Date:
Netherlands: Springer Nature
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 209 Document Number: D13550
12 pages, Sustainability in our food and fiber agriculture systems is inherently knowledge intensive. It is more likely to be achieved by using all the knowledge, technology, and resources available, including data-driven agricultural technology and precision agriculture methods, than by relying entirely on human powers of observation, analysis, and memory following practical experience. Data collected by sensors and digested by artificial intelligence (AI) can help farmers learn about synergies between the domains of natural systems that are key to simultaneously achieve sustainability and food security. In the quest for agricultural sustainability, some high-payoff research areas are suggested to resolve critical legal and technical barriers as well as economic and social constraints. These include: the development of holistic decision-making systems, automated animal intake measurement, low-cost environmental sensors, robot obstacle avoidance, integrating remote sensing with crop and pasture models, extension methods for data-driven agriculture, methods for exploiting naturally occurring Genotype x Environment x Management experiments, innovation in business models for data sharing and data regulation reinforcing trust. Public funding for research is needed in several critical areas identified in this paper to enable sustainable agriculture and innovation.
13 pages, This paper presents the use of thematic collages as a methodological innovation to participatory photography as a research framework. Participatory photography was used to understand the subjective “off-script” motivations behind the full or partial adoption of Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF) by members of women’s self-help groups in Andhra Pradesh, India. The addition of thematic collages to existing participatory photography methods was developed as a mechanism to better support the dialogic generation of new Freirean “generative themes” for investigation by a group. Further, the use of thematic collages invites the integration of “renegade” or non-thematic images into participant group analysis. ZBNF is an agricultural practice that has become an extension priority in Andhra Pradesh. It emphasizes the use of defined chemical-free inputs and regenerative farming techniques as a holistic approach toward socio-ecological resilience. As part of an interdisciplinary research project, this participatory photography design was piloted parallel to a soil science experiment in three geographically distinct agroecological zones in Andhra Pradesh. We show how participatory photography, with the novel addition of thematic collages, can be integrated into interdisciplinary research as a method to discover the underlying motivations to adopt agricultural practices and participate in agricultural movements like Zero Budget Natural Farming.
USA: International Food Information Council, Washington, D.C.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 202 Document Number: D12082
Online from the IFIC organization. 5 pages., "2021 food trends: from our eating and purchasing habits for food safety, COVID-19 still looms large on food decisions and health goals." Summary of findings from the 2020 Food and Health Survey conducted by IFIC.
Online from publisher. 4 pages., "Building trust in food begins with empowering farmers through one of the largest and most diverse conservation- and sustainability-focused pulic-private partnerships in our nation's history."
6 pages, In Australia, orthodox soil scientists dealing with land management and alternative practitioners who promote ‘regenerative agriculture’ have not been communicating and engaging effectively with each other. Over many years, scientists in the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), state departments and universities have made significant achievements in mapping soil distribution, describing soil behaviour and identifying key soil properties and processes that are fundamental to healthy soil function. However, many alternative practitioners are dismissive of these achievements and highly critical of orthodox soil science. Yet many of the tools of soil science are essential to conduct evidence-based research towards elucidating how and why the exceptional results claimed by some alternative practitioners are achieved. We stress the importance of effective engagement and communication among all parties to resolve this ‘clash of cultures’.
5 pages., Author reported "overwhelming response" to biofertiliser courses delivered by community-based family enterprise RegenAG and hosted on-farm by landholders in central Queensland, with the support of Fitzroy Basin Association (FBA) - as "catalyst for forming a community of practice for peer-to-peer support and mentoring in regenerative agriculture."