9 pages., Article # 1RIB10, Via online journal., Millennials have different investing knowledge and behaviors than generations in the past. Moreover, as compared to baby boomers, millennials have more debt and less wealth to invest. We used current literature and information collected from Extension educators to explore the values, investing behaviors, learning styles, and loyalty attitudes of millennials. We also examined and evaluated investment resources that had been created or adapted by four Extension faculty members across the nation. A proposed framework with suggestions for future research is provided.
5 pages., Article #:3COM2, via online journal., Advances in communication technology and associated social changes have provided opportunities as well as challenges for 4-H. Historically, the 4-H club model was predicated on a community's coming together to provide youth members opportunities to gain a deeper understanding of their respective projects. The paradox is that as communities have become more connected through cell phones and social media, face-to-face, person-to-person interaction has decreased. To stay relevant for the next hundred years, 4-H must adapt to this circumstance. This article explores the importance of leveraging technology to bring young people together, foster a sense of community for them, and instill self-efficacy within them, all through the 4-H club model.
13 pages., Via online journal., Developing public and policy maker understanding of agriculture and natural resources is a national research priority of the American Association for Agricultural Education. Because of cultural and geographic distancing from agriculture, consumers' ability to obtain firsthand knowledge of agriculture may be limited to a handful of experiences including local, county, and state fairs. As such, agriculturalists' opportunities to communicate with the public about production agriculture may be limited to these experiences. Youth livestock exhibitors fill a gap in the agricultural education system. While a body of research exists about agricultural literacy among youth and adult groups, few studies exist concerning the impact of youth livestock show exhibits upon fairgoers. This study employed a survey research method using semantic differential scales with a then-now approach. Fairgoers, who had been through the youth livestock exhibits at the California State Fair, were asked about their attitudes toward the exhibits. Findings led to the conclusion viewing livestock exhibits and interacting with youth exhibitors resulted in fairgoers having more positive attitudes toward animal agriculture. Interaction between fairgoers and livestock exhibits should be encouraged and exhibitors should be prepared to view interactions with fairgoers as opportunities to educate about agriculture.
4 pages, Advances in technology are transforming how youth and parents interact with programs. The Strengthening 4-H Communication through Technology project was implemented in eight county 4-H programs in Northwest Minnesota. This article outlines the intentional process used to effectively implement technology in program planning. The project includes: assessing current communication tools used; evaluating participants' preferences for receiving information; educating staff on current research trends; and training teams of youth and adults with the Forrester Research Model (2011) to implement social media as a program communication tool. The process helps staff identify audience and purpose of using technology for their specific needs.
12 pages, This article compares 4-H and other youth organizations in helping youth to learn skills such as leadership, communications, and challenges and responsibilities. One-hundred fifty-eight former 4-H members who were also members of other youth organizations provided data for the study. More than one-half of former members indicated that 4-H was "more helpful" than other youth organizations in teaching skills relative to leadership and communications skills and responsibilities. Findings suggest that youth organizations, especially 4-H, have worth in that they help prepare youth to be responsible and contributing members of society.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C23422
From the Institute for Rural Journalism and Community Issues, University of Kentucky, Lexington. 2 pages., Report from a session of "Rural America, Community Issues," a conference programmed by the Institute for Rural Journalism and Community Issues for the Knight Center for Specialized Journalism, University of Maryland, June 12-17, 2005.
7 pages, This study was conducted to assess the knowledge and perceptions of 4-H members in a midwestern state regarding agriculture, food, and natural resources. Data were collected from 550 respondents but did not constitute a representative sample of all 4-H members. However, the results of this study may have implications for agricultural literacy educational initiatives on a practical basis. Three objectives were specified for this study as follows: 1) to assess the level of agricultural knowledge among 4-H members; 2) to assess the level of positive perceptions about agriculture among 4-H members; and, 3) to describe the demographic variables of 4-H members that may influence their agricultural literacy. 4-H members were most knowledgeable about the Natural Resources and Marketing of Agricultural Products concept areas, whereas the lowest group mean knowledge score was the Plant concept area. The 4-H members group produced lower (most positive) perception mean scores for the Natural Resources and Animal Science concept areas, whereas the highest (least positive) score was in the Policy concept area. Respondents who indicated their farms were between 10 and 50 acres and who had experience in raising plants, gardens, or crops, and who were enrolled in high school agricultural education produced lower knowledge of agriculture scores than those who did not possess those characteristics. However, 4-H members who lived on a farm produced higher knowledge of agriculture scores than those who did not possess those characteristics. 4-H members who lived on a farm produced less positive perception of agriculture scores while 4-H members who indicated their farms were between 10 and 50 acres and were also enrolled in high school agricultural education produced more positive perception of agriculture scores.