12 pages, Canning and home demonstration clubs played an important role in improving agriculture and home life shortly after the turn of the 20th century. Organized in local communities, these clubs for young girls and their mothers provided the opportunity for females to engage in experiential learning through the growth and canning of vegetables. Club work and activities allowed the involved individuals to learn important home life concepts including incorporating more nutritious meals, record keeping, maintaining the family garden, and other duties surrounding the home. In addition, clubs promoted cooperation among various groups, fostered friendships, and provided entrepreneurial opportunities for farm women. Movements such as these increased the demand for agricultural and extension education and many of the strategies developed through these clubs can be implemented in both formal and non-formal education today.
22 pages., This study assessed the accessibility to nutrition education sources and level of knowledge on soya bean products as alternative/cheap source of protein by rural women. Multistage sampling procedure was utilized in selecting 234 respondents in the study area. Interview schedule and focus group discussion was used to collect information from the rural women. Data was analysed through descriptive statistics (percentages, frequencies and means) and inferential statistics (Analysis of variance). The results showed that the women had access to nutrition education on soya beans mostly through; family and friends (x̅= 0.82), local health centres (x̅= 0.78), radio (x̅= 0.80) and television (x̅= 0.71) programmes. The women had overall ‘below average’ knowledge on the products. There was no significant difference in the knowledge scores of the women across the three products (soya milk, iru and cake) (F= 0.167, p≥ 0.05). The result of the bivariate analysis indicated that local health centres (P = 0.035) and Women in Agriculture (P = 0.019) were nutrition education sources whose accessibility had a significant relationship with the level of soya bean product knowledge of the rural women. There is an urgent need for an aggressive campaign on the soya product nutrition education programme in order to increase the knowledge of this important and cheap protein source.
Online from publisher. 3 pages., Activities and achievements of the California Women's Association, a volunteer organization of women concerned about challenges to California agriculture. Consists of 21 local chapters that focus on promoting agriculture locally and providing scholarships to students majoring in farming-related majors.
International: Autogrow Systems Limited and Agritecture LLC
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 202 Document Number: D12004
Online in issue of The Packer. 27 pages., This is the second Census to be conducted and ran from July 8 to September 4, 2020. It was promoted through Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, industry partners and various online media and industry channels. The 371 respondents were from 58 countries with the largest percentage from the United States, India and the United Kingdom. Respondents were growers and small to large businesses. Twenty percent founded their business in 2020.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 201 Document Number: D11738
2 pages, Online via Agri.Marketing. 2 pages., "Kansas Agri-Women is now replacing familiar signs on highways that aim to connect producers and consumers."
12 pages., Online via Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)., Findings showed that women smallholders' uptake was affected by limited access to credit, extension, restricted membership in cooperatives and water user associations, lack of access or user rights to land, skill training, information, and restricted mobility. Authors suggested that expanding off-farm diversification and rural employment opportunities through changing the land tenure system, which is currently state-owned, are essential to enhance women smallholders' access to land and other agricultural inputs.
23 pages, Via UI Library online subscription., Authors described issues and potentials addressed by poor women farmers in India through sanghams (cooperatives). Findings pointed toward the desire and need for communication sovereignty in resistance to patriarchal, expert-led concepts of privatization that discount their knowledge and their role in making decisions.