5 pages, While strategies may differ across geographical regions, FACS Extension professionals work to enhance nutrition education and increase food security in their communities. The four dimensions of food security developed by The Food and Agricultural Organization were reconceptualized to understand food security on an individual or at a community level. Using experiences from a summer internship with two urban counties, the EEUESA Model described here was designed to aid FACS Extension professionals in their efforts for nutrition education and to better understand how programming targets food security in their communities
11 pages, Research suggests participating in youth hands-on cooking programs, like those offered by Extension and 4-H, can improve nutrition behaviors and reduce the risk for obesity. We surveyed [STATE] Extension professionals (n = 127) to explore factors (e.g., employee characteristics, resources, county demographics) related to offering youth hands-on cooking programs and curricula used. Over 2/3 of participants offer programs and reported creating their own curriculum. More years of experience, having received Extension Specialist training, and increased confidence were positively related to offering these programs. Results suggest training could increase confidence and program implementation and standard curricula may be needed.
26 pages, This research is intended to initiate understanding of how obesity in the South persists even though the majority of inhabitants subscribe to a faith that discourages unhealthy lifestyles. Grounded in the Cognitive Dissonance Theory, this study examined Protestant evangelical Christians in the South (N = 11), who participated in semi-structured interviews. The first emergent theme was that, to these Southerners, the purpose of food is for sustenance and survival, as well as for bringing people together. Most participants reported having an average level of knowledge of nutrition and health. Furthermore, participants generally agreed that marketing or educational efforts had little effect on their understanding of nutrition. Another theme emerged when participants provided Biblical references to food or health. “The Body is a Temple” and “gluttony” were the most common Biblical concepts. All participants referred to taste or desirability as the driver of their food selections. Furthermore, most participants claimed habitual gluttony as a personal experience in their lives. This study concluded that subjects employed two modes of “trivializing” as a way of resolving dissonance. Some participants justified their eating habits based on Southern culture, while others explained that their church culture supported unhealthy eating as a means of gathering in fellowship.
7 pages, Pecans are a heart-healthy food, serving as an excellent source of unsaturated fatty acids, micronutrients, and phytochemicals. Despite rapid growth of the U.S. pecan export in global market, domestic pecan consumption has been stagnating, especially in attracting young consumers. This study seeks to investigate the effectiveness of nutrition education brochure that utilizes two information formats-rich media and traditional media-for promoting nutritional knowledge of pecans among young consumers. The experiment followed a between-subjects 2 x 2 design. Four versions of digital brochures were developed to manipulate two independent variables: video (absent vs. present) and recipe (absent vs. present). The findings indicated that including a video in the digital brochure can help increase consumers’ perceived information quality, and recipe content can help increase consumers' trust in the nutrition information and information source. The results also showed that for consumers with a lower prior knowledge regarding pecans, educational materials including a video were more effective than materials without a video. Such strategies to promote pecan consumption could benefit the pecan industry as well as public health.
Online from publication. 3 pages., Executives for three global produce marketers report on the role of social media in reaching parents with children at home.
22 pages., This study assessed the accessibility to nutrition education sources and level of knowledge on soya bean products as alternative/cheap source of protein by rural women. Multistage sampling procedure was utilized in selecting 234 respondents in the study area. Interview schedule and focus group discussion was used to collect information from the rural women. Data was analysed through descriptive statistics (percentages, frequencies and means) and inferential statistics (Analysis of variance). The results showed that the women had access to nutrition education on soya beans mostly through; family and friends (x̅= 0.82), local health centres (x̅= 0.78), radio (x̅= 0.80) and television (x̅= 0.71) programmes. The women had overall ‘below average’ knowledge on the products. There was no significant difference in the knowledge scores of the women across the three products (soya milk, iru and cake) (F= 0.167, p≥ 0.05). The result of the bivariate analysis indicated that local health centres (P = 0.035) and Women in Agriculture (P = 0.019) were nutrition education sources whose accessibility had a significant relationship with the level of soya bean product knowledge of the rural women. There is an urgent need for an aggressive campaign on the soya product nutrition education programme in order to increase the knowledge of this important and cheap protein source.
USA: International Food Information Council Foundation, Washington, D.C.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 202 Document Number: D12150
Online from publisher. 45 pages., Report of findings from a probability survey of 1,199 American parents and caregivers ages 18-80 regarding children ages 2-10. Aspects involved knowledge and understanding of dietary recommendations, behavior associated with feeding this age group, sources of information when making dietary decisions, purchasing habits when food shopping for children, areas of concern when feeding this age group, and areas of need for additional science-based information when feeding this age group.
10 pages., Article #: v58-1rb1, via online journal., Coalitions are central to Extension's community-based programs. To assess characteristics that support well-functioning coalitions and to support coalitions in which Extension stakeholders participate, we used the Wilder Collaboration Factors Inventory to assess 10 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education coalitions on the basis of research-tested collaboration success factors. Overall, the 103 coalition members who responded reported strengths related to communication and shared purpose and weaknesses in the areas of resources and process and structure for achieving the coalitions' aims. Our project represents a low-burden method for assessing Extension coalitions to understand the characteristics that are likely to support the achievement of collective goals.
Online via Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Australia-based university educators evaluated learner participation and perceptions in an evidence-based Massive Open Online Course(MOOC) about nutrition and provided recommendations for engaging international online lay audiences with diverse backgrounds. Findings highlighted complexities of delivering such education "in the online space crowded with food advertising and nutrition conjecture."