Online from journal by open access. 11 pages., Researchers attempted to show the effectiveness of Geomedia techniques in the Geosystems identification, evaluation, and valorization processes for the benefit of local inhabitants. The Geomedia techniques were developed with local community members in Romania, Kenya, Bolivia, India, and Indonesia. "The results demonstrate that self-sustainable Geosystems will always be capable to regulate, control and assess progress towards their dynamic equilibrium state, continuously adapting to environmental and society changes."
25 pages, Online journal article, Existen diferentes modelos para pensar la extensión rural. Con el fin de indagar las concepciones de extensión rural de los extensionistas que trabajan en diez diferentes países latinoamericanos se realizó una encuesta. La muestra fue no probabilística incidental (n=589). Se observa predominio de una concepción transferencista de la extensión rural en el promedio de las 10 muestras, con importantes diferencias entre países. La muestra uruguaya posee una orientación dialógica. No se observa presencia de concepciones asociadas al desarrollo local/territorial o a la noción de sistemas de innovación. Se recomienda implementar acciones para definir de manera crítica y consciente los modelos de extensión rural que se desea implementar.
The Netherlands: International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD)
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 151 Document Number: D10122
124 pages., Via website., This is the final report for the IICD-led Connect4Change programme implemented during 2011-215 in Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Peru, Uganda, and Zambia. The Connect4Change programme was implemented by an alliance of Dutch development organisations, incl. IICD, Edukans, Cordaid, ICCO, Akvo and TTC Mobile.
6 pages, via online journal, In order to design and implement public policies in the context of rural development, information tends to be gathered about family farming in different Latin American countries. In contrast, scarce attention has been given to the description of rural extensionists, who are the ones supporting family farming in the fi eld. A cross-sectional investigation was conducted between 2010 and 2012 including surveys to rural extensions working in 10 different Latin American countries, this allowing for a preliminary description of the socio-demographic profile of the respondents. The samples were incidental ranging from 19 (Bolivia) to 220 (Argentina) subjects, this implying that they were not representative. Significant statistical differences were found with regards to the sex, age, experience, level of education and university degree of the samples pertaining to the different countries. In average, most extensionists are men (70.1%), age 40.3 and have little more than 11 years of experience as extensionists. Brazilian practitioners surveyed are the oldest, most educated and experienced among the different samples. In general, most extensionists have a technical background and are agricultural engineers. The Uruguayan sample showed the highest percentage of extensionists coming from the area of social sciences.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 7 Document Number: D09983
This conference report and accompanying materials are maintained in ACDC storage., Project file from the International section of the Agricultural Communications Program, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign., This is the report of an international workshop involving 16 Latin American and Caribbean countries at Cali, Colombia, April 14-18, 1986. Examines needs and potentials for strengthening communications linkages among national and international agricultural research organizations organizations serving that region. File includes abstracts in English as well as correspondence about some follow-up activities.