Online from publication. 4 pages., A senior fresh produce merchandiser offers advice about providing orientation and in-service training for professional development of new employees in produce departments of food stores.
Vincent, David (author / Rooster Strategic Solutions)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 132 Document Number: D11355
Online via AgriMarketing Weekly posting of October 16, 2019. 2 pages., Seven tips for new college of graduates (mostly without farm backgrounds) as they join the ranks of agricultural advertising agencies and agribusinesses and begin working with American farmers and ranchers.
2 pages., Research summary online via the North American Association for Environmental Education., This study involved journalists who participated in science journalism training at the University of Rhode Island's Institute for Marine and Environmental Reporting between 1999 and 2015. Researchers collected data on the effectiveness of such training by surveying 111 participating journalists about their perceptions of the training. Researchers also analyzed the content of stories published by 20 journalists before and after they participated in a week-long immersion workshop. "Results showed a number of small but positive effects..." Journalists who participated found interpersonal interactions with scientists to be the most valuable tool for their science reporting.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 143 Document Number: D11535
4 pages., Online via Poynter Institute website., Featured a two-way educational program involving professional journalists at local rural newspapers and undergraduate students in the School of Journalism, University of Missouri. This article in the series involved a student working for one week with the editorial staff of the Bowling Green Times newspaper. Student learned about community journalism and shared information about use of social media platforms.
21 pages., Online via UI e-subscription., Article described a negotiation simulation designed to incorporate skill building, process management, conflict analysis, and conflict management tools.