21 pages, Because mothers are the primary grocery shoppers for most households, they play a fundamental role in the food their families eat. As such, it is important to understand their perceptions of potential sources of food safety and nutrition information. This study surveyed young mothers (i.e., 18-40 years old) across the United States to assess their awareness, knowledge, and trust of celebrities and social media influencers who communicate about food-related topics. The list of celebrities and influencers consisted of TV chefs, celebrities and influencers who espouse favorable viewpoints of food and agriculture, and celebrities and influencers who espouse more alternative viewpoints of food and agriculture. Respondents were usually more aware and knowledgeable of the celebrities and chefs than the influencers. They also generally trusted the TV chefs the most. There tended to be small-to-medium positive correlations between a respondents’ knowledge of a celebrity/influencer and their trust of that celebrity/influencer but not all were statistically significant. Communicators looking to influence the largest number of people would benefit more from working with celebrities, but social media influencers could still play a role in campaigns that target specific online communities where the influencers’ values align with community members. More research is recommended to expand to other audiences, as well as assessing other celebrities and influencers. Research can also address how consumers use social media to get food-related information, how trust could be affected by communication using different social media platforms, and content analyses of food-related communication by celebrities and influencers on social media outlets.
Online from publication. 3 pages., Executives for three global produce marketers report on the role of social media in reaching parents with children at home.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 207 Document Number: D13037
6 pages, Kefirs are fermented beverages containing yeast and bacteria produced by the fermentation of water or milk with kefir grains. Because microorganism density may influence a product's health benefits, label accuracy regarding viable bacterial density and taxonomy of fermented foods is important. In this study, the microbiota of 5 commercial kefir products were measured quantitatively using standard plating techniques and characterized using high-resolution, long-read 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. To enumerate viable lactic acid bacteria, 2 lots of each product were plated on de Man, Rogosa and Sharpe agar upon opening and following 14 d and incubated under anaerobic and aerobic conditions. Results revealed that 66% of products with a guaranteed count of colony-forming units per gram overstated microorganism density by at least 1 log, with only product E exceeding 1 × 109 cfu/g. Sequencing results demonstrated moderate product label accuracy in regard to taxonomy, yet several products contained bacterial species above the minimum detectable threshold (0.001% relative abundance) that were not included on the labels (e.g., Streptococcus salivarius, Lactobacillus paracasei). Our results demonstrate a moderate level of labeling accuracy for commercial kefir products intended for human consumption. Regulatory agencies and consumers must continue to scrutinize these products and demand a higher level of accuracy and quality.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 202 Document Number: D12129
Online via AgriMarketing Weekly. 2 pages., Research among registered dietitians indicates potential negative impact on fruit and vegetable consumption among consumers caused by the so-called "dirty dozen" list published by the Environmental Working Group (EWG).
USA: International Food Information Council, Washington, D.C.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 202 Document Number: D12153
Online from publisher. 3 pages., Author suggests that say one form of produce is safer and more nutritional than another should be avoided. Cites top seven things to remember about eating healthy and safe foods "when this year's (or any year's) "Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen" lists invade your social media streams."
Online from publisher. 2 pages., Announces a new series of stickers placed on individual bananas. These stickers feature a combination of vitamins and nutrients found in Chiquita bananas.
From publisher via online. 1 page., Describes communications plans by the Pear Bureau Northwest. "The freshly redesigned World Pear Day logo provides retailers and consumers with an exciting look that connects to messages of nutritional eating."