Online from periodical., Report about pressure facing Cornell University officials by students and faculty over HCN's "Land-grab universities" investigation. Includes an acknowledgment by a University of California official that "...we must acknowledge how our history, including the Morrill Land Grant Act, impacts indigenous people. Now more than ever we, as a university, must take immediate action to acknowledge past wrongs, build trusting and respectful relationships, and accelerate change and justice for our Native Nations and Tribal communities."
Online from periodical., "Nick Tilsen was arrested for protesting President Trump at Mount Rushmore. Now, his legal troubles are part of a legacy. ... Long revered by many Indigenous peoples, the Black Hills are now also at the center of NDN Collectives LandBack campaign."
Online from the periodical, Through case examples, author reported that in order to attract a broader constituency, conservation organizations must often first address a history of missteps and exclusion. Also, "Rather than mandate a solution, organizations should 'look for outcomes that are community-led and collectively shared'."
Online from publication., This report describes a petition by 11 Southeast Alaska Native Tribes to create a "Traditional Homelands Conservation Rule." It is a new strategy in tribal nations' ongoing efforts to hold the federal government to its legal responsibility to consult with them on projects that impact them. It includes case examples of past failures to do so.
Markenson, Steve (author / Food Marketing Institute)
Research summary
Publication Date:
USA: Food Marketing Institute, Arlington, Virginia.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 201 Document Number: D11747
Online from Institute website. 2 pages., Summary of efforts to track how shoppers are finding new ways of grocery shopping during the coronavirus. Compared with other grocery shoppers, Latinx and Black shoppers are more likely to report a disruption in their household as a result of the pandemic. They are adjusting where they shop (fewer, different stores), shopping more online, spending more money per trip, and changing the range of products for which they shop.
Online from organization website. 2 pages., Describes steps being taken or planned for governance of SEJ, membership diversity, representation, allyship, and funding in the interest of achieving racial equality within SEJ and in the news industry at large.