5pgs, At a central Illinois feed mill, electricity from its rural electric co-op was exceeding grain costs as its biggest operating expense. With a new 3-megawatt solar array, the facility expects to reduce energy costs by about 50%.
5 pages, Despite the increase in energy consumption, rising energy costs, and the overall financial strain in the agriculture sector, the Extension system has allocated limited resources to energy education in agriculture. Many energy programs focus on renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies whereas little attention is paid to developing an understanding of how farmers are billed for electricity, when electricity is used, and why. The first step in developing evidence-based solutions to improve farm profitability is clearly defining the problems that need to be solved. If not Extension, who will take on the responsibility of providing this critical education?
Special Issue Collection - Illinois Country Living 75th Anniversary
See this article in Document Number D09314., Cover pages and brief stories describe the history of Illinois Country Living magazine from 1943 to date.
Paliwal, K.K. (author), Singh, Surjeet (author), and Bajaj, Suman (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D09396
Paper presented at the 7th International Conference on cloud computing, data science and engineering - confluence, Noida, India, January 12-13, 2017. 11 pages.