Perspectives on the role of an ethical public communicator in "this toxic political situation called the environmental debate." Author concludes that in this information environment "the real ethical issue lies with us - the informed citizenry. An ethical citizenry would be rhetorically savvy in order to make sound choices about their local economies and their global environment."
Author examines several ethical issues identified in an analysis and public reporting of conversation involving an environmental blogger and a coal industry executive. Examination involved ethical standards of the Society of Professional Journalists and the Public Relations Society of America.
TARES framework introduced in 2001 by Baker and Martinson: Truthfulness of the message, Authenticity of the persuader, Respect for the person being persuaded, Equity of the persuasive appeal, and Social Responsibility for the common good. Addresses the "notion of communication practitioner accountability toward the message receiver in persuasive communication." To pass the TARES test, a message must fulfill all five principles. This study revealed that "fast food ads in Singapore failed many ethical principles of the TARES."
Case study involving public relations practitioners who disguised the provenance of documents they had created or commissioned involving the "Wal-Marting Across America" information campaign.